procrastinators unite!
I wouldn’t call not grinding naztajar and mechagon dailies to revered rep procrastination, more so self preservation
Dumb and deprecated requirements that should have been axed the moment bfa and its daily misc hubs became irrelevant
But yay i can finally start farming undead raptor
I knew it was coming cuz so many where upset they couldnt fly cuz they didnt not complete they pathfinder lol
i’m so mad i did it why can’t you. just kiddin.
Gee, M+ dungeon in BFA, so they did this lol…
I played and got it when current, it wasnt any more effort than getting renown maxed in Dragon Flight lol.
to bad their still failing not releasing normal flying in df good job blizz. one day they might just get flying right/ i was honestly okay doing pathfinder only problem i had was gating until a patch in the future why just why. its pretty evident old content ain’t that darn popular just let someone fly in old. it’s gonna be amusing if they have pathfinder again next expansion and still gate it like they have before til a future patch.