BFA N'zoth Cinematic now Unlisted

I didn’t know murdering Garithos’s men to the last and working with Varimathras. And allowing the development of the blight were antihero traits.

Oh, and perpetuating the torment of undeath.

I’ve played a good amount on four alts each patch cycle. It’s not as bad as you claim. Again, Legion-bandaid got ripped off and they’re unpruning in SL so… :man_shrugging:

That got fixed in a patch. The zone stories of BfA are infinitely better.

Anti-heroes are not exactly the best people

The neck and essences are just has bad (lets add the cape to it btw)

And Shadowland is another thing

Was mainly referring to the main story since stuff like Campaigns were mostly added in Legion and then BFA

Now you’re just trolling. You’ve not been paying attention to how blizz is operating behind the scenes.


? I’ve had nothing but good experiences with CTR:NF it has been an amazing remake. (admitedly I’d prefer if they kept the old play style rather than the infinite blue fire but otherwise it’s all good)


It was the whole adding microtransactions post launch to evade bad reviews, which btw they promised not to add


“Oh no my special Draenei who was barely around and Velen gave her leadership despite her being a nobody who accomplished nothing. oh she so special look at her! We killed Maraad off for her aren’t you so happy?!”

She’s only popular because Draenei female.

In any event. Continue on with your radial mutual pleasuring group.

They didn’t promise that actually, it was a reporter who said that, not the company.

The microtransactions aren’t really important though since one can get everything in game without buying (except for the Veteran’s kart but that was for a charity)

It may be a stretch to believe this, but I’m hoping that the seemingly hurried cinematic and lack of 8.3.5 patch means they’re really trying hard to correct the problems presented in BfA.

remember the Diablo immortal reveal? they kept unlisting and relisting it as an attempt to cover up the negativity

I mean name one other you tube video to get 100k :-1: in less than 24 hours


How to tell you didn’t even understand WoD and yet claim BFA is better lmao.


What? I played through WoD and all of its storylines to get Pathfinder and this random, boring tiefling whose only appeal is her ‘looks’. She’s barely a character.

Adding them post release was still bad, plus adding them to begin with on a remake of an old game

That time famous youtuber Will Smith opened the rewind.

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I mean with as much content as they put every month, not expecting microtransactions to support the game would be naive.

And they just gave up in the last one and made it a top x video

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I think they were trying to show respect to the source material of med fantasy which are the LOTR books.

But it felt forced from my view.

Purportedly, no.

They (supposedly) rotate teams through projects, and Legion was the A team, and BFA was the B team.

Maybe it got too many copyright infringement flags? Apparently they took a lot from the LotR ending; scenes and music.

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I don’t know if they’re ashamed, but they sure as hell should be.