BFA mythic raid soloable when?

just tried to solo the mythic bfa raids and i got slapped by the mechanics on the first boss.

when they will finally let us solo bfa raids? :thinking:

also the mobs and bosses have insane health so even if there werent wipe mechanics it would take forever solo

atm i can only see a group of 5 or more doing it in a relatively decent amount of time


So grab 4 friends and go to town on the bosses.
Because waiting on devs to fix this, if Legion was any indication in early SL, is an exercise in depression.

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Not until next expansion, then BFA stuff will be subjected to the legacy debuff (or whatever it’s called)

that sucks if true.

bfa seems old as heck already


Do people forget there is an entire LFG tab called “Custom”? Besides, it’s usually not the case to be able to solo entire raids from just the previous expansion pack.

Never, Blizz will keep screwing up scaling and keep telling us to just get better gear.


Technically BFA is already 2 expansions back from DF. Isn’t that the historically “legacy mode” requirement?


BFA is 2 expansions ago, its usually when legacy kicks in.


never. the devs don’t like people soloing thingfs. it makes them mad.


I soloed up to whats his face in uldir on mythic the one after zul. COuldnt kil him, he just despawned after a bit, due to me being targeted with a mechanic.

Of course they don’t, if the average player can solo said content and get the cool looking sets the hardcore players won’t feel special anymore, so they have to keep screwing up scaling to ensure those players feel special for as long as possible.

Which makes sense when you look at who the lead Dev is, he is making sure his precious fellow raiders get to feel special.


BFA was two expansions ago.

It should be legacy.


Unfortunately due to it now being scaled up to 60 it won’t be legacy for another expansion yet.

Curious… are they soloable at lower levels or is mythic the only one not soloable?

you mean at lower difficulties? i havent tried normal mode but im sure its pretty similarly scaled so not much chance of soloing

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Hello, the devs are neglecting legacy content (and old content in general) because they broke scaling with the level squish and didn’t want to own up to their mistake. Please wait 3 more years.


BFA and Legion got lumped into level 50 content together. It’s more about the content being “20 levels” behind for the legacy buff to kick in rather than actually years. Of course that should mean that they both have the buff, but well it’s Blizzard.

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I see what you mean, that prayer for the fallen makes the first boss in dazar’alor impossible solo. Oh well.

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