BFA makes me want to unsub....

Right now there's no difference in loot when completing a key in time or taking 2 hours to zerg it. You get a key upgrade, obviously, but no loot difference.

Perhaps it would be cool for completing a key in time adds Azurite gear to the loot table of the dungeon chest. But if not, no Azurite chance until Tuesday.
10/14/2018 07:12 PMPosted by Jarawana
Right now there's no difference in loot when completing a key in time or taking 2 hours to zerg it. You get a key upgrade, obviously, but no loot difference.

Perhaps it would be cool for completing a key in time adds Azurite gear to the loot table of the dungeon chest. But if not, no Azurite chance until Tuesday.

That would definitely be rough xD
Also just to be sure I'm getting this out there as well, my intent isn't malicious towards Blizzard. I'm just not happy with the product that we've been presented with.
i don't think they actually want feedback mate.
10/14/2018 08:32 PMPosted by Tekbm
i don't think they actually want feedback mate.

Sadly enough, this seems to be a thing with Blizzard lately.

Anyways, +1 OP.
10/14/2018 08:37 PMPosted by Smadinker
10/14/2018 08:32 PMPosted by Tekbm
i don't think they actually want feedback mate.

Sadly enough, this seems to be a thing with Blizzard lately.

Anyways, +1 OP.

Much appreciated. I also added the GCD in the OP. Can't believe I forgot about it.
10/14/2018 07:12 PMPosted by Jarawana
Right now there's no difference in loot when completing a key in time or taking 2 hours to zerg it. You get a key upgrade, obviously, but no loot difference.

Perhaps it would be cool for completing a key in time adds Azurite gear to the loot table of the dungeon chest. But if not, no Azurite chance until Tuesday.

personally i think they fix the azerite problem by giving us our 3rd bonus roll back and allow us to bonus roll azerite gear from the end of m+ runs. thoughts?
Just added tier sets to the OP as well.
10/15/2018 12:12 PMPosted by Mcbeardy
10/14/2018 07:12 PMPosted by Jarawana
Right now there's no difference in loot when completing a key in time or taking 2 hours to zerg it. You get a key upgrade, obviously, but no loot difference.

Perhaps it would be cool for completing a key in time adds Azurite gear to the loot table of the dungeon chest. But if not, no Azurite chance until Tuesday.

personally i think they fix the azerite problem by giving us our 3rd bonus roll back and allow us to bonus roll azerite gear from the end of m+ runs. thoughts?

Someone actually gave in my opinion a really cool idea on the first page.
I agree with most of your feedback and I think the forums suggest that a lot of other people do too. Blizz really dropped the ball with Beta For Azeroth.
10/15/2018 12:45 PMPosted by MantoĂžth
I agree with most of your feedback and I think the forums suggest that a lot of other people do too. Blizz really dropped the ball with Beta For Azeroth.

I'd really be interested in hearing what people disagree with. As well as other suggestions on how we can change things for the better.
Just added World Defense to the OP. The more and more that I think about BFA the more upset I get with how much of our feedback that has been ignored.
10/14/2018 08:32 PMPosted by Tekbm
i don't think they actually want feedback mate.

Probably not. But I'm passionate about the game and just want there to be a quality experience because BFA is pretty dry rn.
This is great feedback but the developers dismiss this type of feedback as negative and only a fraction of the player base feels this way. It's almost like Donald Trump is giving Blizzard advise on how to deal with dissent. Deny, Deny, Deny, then attack!
10/15/2018 04:29 PMPosted by Dalistar
This is great feedback but the developers dismiss this type of feedback as negative and only a fraction of the player base feels this way. It's almost like Donald Trump is giving Blizzard advise on how to deal with dissent. Deny, Deny, Deny, then attack!

Which I find strange that they would see this as a negative. I'm passionate about the game and just want it to succeed as much as they do. I just feel that they need to communicate with us. Start up open conversations about things that we like and do not like.

And like I said I love Ythisens. He / She (I have no clue if they're a guy or girl) is willing to give us feedback and personal views. As well as fire back when someone's either being a troll or just dumb with their requests. It feels like a human is on the other side.

I wish WoW Devs would be this willing to just come down and speak and engage in conversation with us.
I just wanna say as well. This is the first time I've ever felt like unsubbing. And I started playing in Wrath.
10/15/2018 11:20 PMPosted by Jalen
10/15/2018 04:29 PMPosted by Dalistar
This is great feedback but the developers dismiss this type of feedback as negative and only a fraction of the player base feels this way. It's almost like Donald Trump is giving Blizzard advise on how to deal with dissent. Deny, Deny, Deny, then attack!

Which I find strange that they would see this as a negative. I'm passionate about the game and just want it to succeed as much as they do. I just feel that they need to communicate with us. Start up open conversations about things that we like and do not like.

And like I said I love Ythisens. He / She (I have no clue if they're a guy or girl) is willing to give us feedback and personal views. As well as fire back when someone's either being a troll or just dumb with their requests. It feels like a human is on the other side.

I wish WoW Devs would be this willing to just come down and speak and engage in conversation with us.

I started out on this road as well, became jaded and apathetic to WoW now for pretty much all the reasons you listed here. Particularly the whole "This is the direction we are going with things and you'll play it or quit" approach to gameplay choices. Zero commentary on our feedback, and just went the direction they wanna go.

10/14/2018 06:13 PMPosted by Jalen
PL doesn't prevent players from getting items or progressing through content. Therefore there is no good argument that supports ML. WE all pay the same subscription fee to play the game. Nobody, not even a guild you willingly join, should have any say over what kind of reward you get while playing the game. You do not get more items from master looter, unless you're using it in an abusive way.

Guilds and the raiding environment are better off without master looting for a vast majority of players.

It was never about players unable to get loot or items in question. It was about speeding up the process for whatever was required for the next fight on Mythic. Like I said, Mythic Zul can be cheesed with Sub Rogues, and Mythic Mythrax and G'huun can be cheesed with Warlocks.

As for the speeding it up, it was putting BiS pieces in the hands of classes that needed them most. We look at loot as a % increase. So if it's someones BiS and it increases their numbers by 10% we're going to give it to that player.

Removal of ML (removing choice is always good, right?) is obviously just more time-gating progress from the company that loves doing that. Its just like you said in what I quoted above, but good luck trying to get people to not inherently thrust the victim role onto themselves because their brother's uncle's best friend's mom's boss' mistress once had a bad experience when she was a server first raider probably better than any of us.

I'll never understand the GCD no one wanted or asked for...

Simpleton "class design" decisions that make everything the same for all classes/specs.

Broken specs, still broken. No progress being made there.

A cornerstone to the entire expac, "Azerite Gear" not understood by anyone including Blizz themselves. Good luck if you don't think this is going to take at least a few major content patches to straighten out and figure these over-complex things out so specs are in the neighborhood of even competitive based on Azerite traits alone.

The lie of "We took tier sets away because we didn't want to restrict players to wearing 4 BiS tier that'd make it harder to get ideal secondary stats", when Azerite gear HAS NO secondary stats on it. Also, the way tier changed rotations kept specs alive and dynamic, instead of us doing the exact same rotations for an entire expac.

Ironic that Azerite Power and Artifact Power share the same initials, because that's just more endless grind and I've had enough of that in Legion. Pass.

Too much RNG everything, everywhere, all the time. Some is fine. Literally everything that can be tied to RNG though? No.

I gave up on leveling alts, because once I got to the point where I couldn't use my Legiondaries anymore, man they just felt super bad. A downgrade in everything for sure, from power to enjoyment. Hitting 120, all I wanted to do was go back before I hit 116 and keep using my Legiondaries.

Nerfing all things tank, and continuing the nerf-spree. Yea, I'll pass on just getting nerfed harder and made to feel weaker concerning everything it means to be a tank, as the expac goes on, so healers can feel more important (which legit was the Blizz line for it). Thats fun, right?

Sharding is simply a mess. Just... I don't even want to go into it.

Whatever is going on with the guild tab and permissions... Yeah. No idea what the goal was there...

So much more I don't even care to list. I've listed them so many times for so long and I've yet to see any mention of these concerns being addressed. These aren't just my concerns either, most of them are common and shared by the entire WoW community.

December is when my sub runs out, there's way too many flaws to be fixed between now and then.
10/15/2018 11:20 PMPosted by Jalen

Which I find strange that they would see this as a negative. I'm passionate about the game and just want it to succeed as much as they do. I just feel that they need to communicate with us. Start up open conversations about things that we like and do not like.

And like I said I love Ythisens. He / She (I have no clue if they're a guy or girl) is willing to give us feedback and personal views. As well as fire back when someone's either being a troll or just dumb with their requests. It feels like a human is on the other side.

I wish WoW Devs would be this willing to just come down and speak and engage in conversation with us.

I started out on this road as well, became jaded and apathetic to WoW now for pretty much all the reasons you listed here. Particularly the whole "This is the direction we are going with things and you'll play it or quit" approach to gameplay choices. Zero commentary on our feedback, and just went the direction they wanna go.

10/14/2018 06:13 PMPosted by Jalen

It was never about players unable to get loot or items in question. It was about speeding up the process for whatever was required for the next fight on Mythic. Like I said, Mythic Zul can be cheesed with Sub Rogues, and Mythic Mythrax and G'huun can be cheesed with Warlocks.

As for the speeding it up, it was putting BiS pieces in the hands of classes that needed them most. We look at loot as a % increase. So if it's someones BiS and it increases their numbers by 10% we're going to give it to that player.

Removal of ML (removing choice is always good, right?) is obviously just more time-gating progress from the company that loves doing that. Its just like you said in what I quoted above, but good luck trying to get people to not inherently thrust the victim role onto themselves because their brother's uncle's best friend's mom's boss' mistress once had a bad experience when she was a server first raider probably better than any of us.

I'll never understand the GCD no one wanted or asked for...

Simpleton "class design" decisions that make everything the same for all classes/specs.

Broken specs, still broken. No progress being made there.

A cornerstone to the entire expac, "Azerite Gear" not understood by anyone including Blizz themselves. Good luck if you don't think this is going to take at least a few major content patches to straighten out and figure these over-complex things out so specs are in the neighborhood of even competitive based on Azerite traits alone.

The lie of "We took tier sets away because we didn't want to restrict players to wearing 4 BiS tier that'd make it harder to get ideal secondary stats", when Azerite gear HAS NO secondary stats on it. Also, the way tier changed rotations kept specs alive and dynamic, instead of us doing the exact same rotations for an entire expac.

Ironic that Azerite Power and Artifact Power share the same initials, because that's just more endless grind and I've had enough of that in Legion. Pass.

Too much RNG everything, everywhere, all the time. Some is fine. Literally everything that can be tied to RNG though? No.

I gave up on leveling alts, because once I got to the point where I couldn't use my Legiondaries anymore, man they just felt super bad. A downgrade in everything for sure, from power to enjoyment. Hitting 120, all I wanted to do was go back before I hit 116 and keep using my Legiondaries.

Nerfing all things tank, and continuing the nerf-spree. Yea, I'll pass on just getting nerfed harder and made to feel weaker concerning everything it means to be a tank, as the expac goes on, so healers can feel more important (which legit was the Blizz line for it). Thats fun, right?

Sharding is simply a mess. Just... I don't even want to go into it.

Whatever is going on with the guild tab and permissions... Yeah. No idea what the goal was there...

So much more I don't even care to list. I've listed them so many times for so long and I've yet to see any mention of these concerns being addressed. These aren't just my concerns either, most of them are common and shared by the entire WoW community.

December is when my sub runs out, there's way too many flaws to be fixed between now and then.

Very well put
Thanks man, the game will be a lesser version without players like ya.
Thank you for this post, the reasons you’ve listed have caused many that I know to unsubscribe and blizzard can’t expect it to just go away if they don’t make major fixes to the game.