BfA is really going to be know as worse than WoD

Doesnt it just matter what the individual thinks? Ive enjoyed BFA so far. Thats all that matters to me. I won’t let the endless whining bring it down for me.

WoD kinda reminds me of the Star Wars prequels (except they were always good in my eyes). We trashed it when it was live but now 2 expansions later, not only did I play more in WoD compared to BFA, everything was better in WoD compared to BFA.

The only legitimate reason WoD sucked was Garrisons was a garbage attempt at making player housing in WoW. I know people are gonna flap their annoying opinions “but but teh cut content!!!11”…how long have you played WoW? you know how much content that doesn’t make it to the game???, do we have to go down the road on how much content was cut in vanilla, do we have to be reminded on how much content was cut from Wotlk, do we have to go down the road of new dances, death knight body tattoos (runes), bgs and the list goes on. Hell not too long ago it was data mind that we were suppose to get a patch 8.3.5 so there’s a whole patch gone.

You have to be one delusional shill to think BFA is not the worst expansion in WoWs history.

The Cinematics are so bad

You have no idea about the numbers of players considering BfA’s state it has less players than WoD

I wonder how long it’ll take people to realize yea legion was okay. But it only seems good because its squished between really bad. It’s like you’re a 4 but your the hottest amongst your friends.

All that aside. WoD had a good start and huge drop off. It’s like they lost thier train of thought where to go right after the xpac launched.

Legion tied up alot of story which is why it seemed good. And bfa I believe is more or less the end of preexisting bad guys and the start of things getting worse. Think about it. Thier bad at writing with tons of lore to fall back on and work off of. Now they have full free reign to do what ever.

If it wasn’t for Vulpera I wouldn’t even of came back after 2 weeks of 8.0

Legion was good on its own. Not incredible but good, and it did suffer massively in the beginning from Legiondaries. Hands down the worst gearing system I have ever seen in WoW.

Blizzard doubling down on the system after negative feedback, to the extent where they were “fixing” some specs by giving them new Legendaries that most people would never get, was what convinced me to quit for about 4 months in the middle of the expansion. Specifically, when they put the extra charge of stomp that Hunters had been begging for since beta onto a legendary.

People don’t think as much about how horrible the initial systems were though, because they got way better at the very end. Problem with BfA is the systems haven’t gotten any better and have just gotten more stacked as time went by.

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Vulpera huge population is probably a big part of wow’s population rn

We got the neck. That’s what happened.

I dont know u guys. But i am still curious and intend to level a hunter and try raiding with 79 corruption XD

Welcome to incremental power increase gaming. So what you’re really saying is you’re not a team player and only concerned for yourself.
So that 30% increase for you must have been huge for them!? That’s a big jump from the bottom to the top. With one piece and your raid team is now much stronger. Too bad they have haters that will most likely quit because they aren’t sitting at the top of the meter.
It’s not the game that’s bad. It’s members of this community who can’t wrap their heads around team play and who lack in patience.

Tell me OP. If this situation were true and that “terrible guildie” getting that increase allowed your guild to pass the next dps check boss but you getting the upgrade didn’t. Wouldn’t it be better for the raid team as a whole for the “terrible guildie” to get it?

Yeah, damn those people who actually want to be good at their class and be competitive for quitting because a bad player simply got lucky and got an item that almost doubles their DPS that is also passive damage that doesnt even require skill to pull off
It is called bad game design, but certain people dont want to admit that since they like repeatedly spending hours grinding because one day they ll be the bad guldie on top of the dps cuz they got lucky and got the broken bis corrupted gear.

Your performance and dps is based whenever or not an RNG drops for you, sounds like fun, RNG gear>skill once again

Is that how you got at the top in the first place?

Welcome to RPGS? It’s a roll of the dice. Always has been. Even in Vanilla. Loot has never been guranteed.
What was it that entitled you to this loot again?

For every western player that quits, 20 new Chinese players sign up for wow, you’ve been replaced.

Maybe for you, not for me.
BFA is a blast and i am having fun!
For the Horde!

BfA has been just fine. People love to hate on anything, but I honestly just don’t see the problem.

Essences are fine. The issue with them is people like to pretend they are all the 1% pushing Mythics, and that they NEED rank 4 or they will get benched. It is easy enough to keep them up on numerous alts with minimal investment.

The lore is just fine. All three zones for both factions have compelling stories, and while I too am a bit tired of the neverending “war”, and the increasingly silly hoops we jump through to keep it going, it was handled decently. Shadowlands will hopefully bring a reasonable conclusion to the arc.

TF/WF/Corruption is fine. Again, people like to pretend these are why they are not part of the 1%, but it’s simply not true. Corruption is a bit silly, but it’s a fun system to play around with for the last patch and raid. Who cares if it isn’t balanced?

I dunno. I have stayed subbed for most of BfA, and have had a good deal of fun. Didn’t get a chance to raid much, but what I have seen seems like most of the raids have been well-received. M+ was fun as always, etc. What’s all the fuss?

He was so right tho :joy:

You sir do not belong on any forums

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I love posts like this. Knew 8.3 was going to be rough without targeted corruption and how terrible 8.3 dailies were.

Imagine in January how much of a rollercoaster this year would be irl and for WoW. I would be so loaded with this gray’s sports almanac level of knowledge.

The most fun I had in BFA was being able to tank in high lvl Mythic Plus to get geared on my own time, without having to fit my schedule around others for raiding. Unfortunately I got suckered into Shadowlands false PR hype, and have to ride out of my pre-paid 6 month sub. Once it expires, I am done with this game for good.