What? I don’t believe I said that.
I’ve been doing end game content every expansion, since the days of Molten Core.
What? I don’t believe I said that.
I’ve been doing end game content every expansion, since the days of Molten Core.
Trashy kid from the ghetto, huh? Why don’t you say what you really mean? Go on, do it.
Wrath didn’t introduce LFD, TBC did and so did the integrated voice com feature, it just didn’t work out because of hardware limitations of the day but the idea was there long before Wrath ever came out.
Uh no. LFD came out in 3.3, The Fall of the Lich King.
He’s right though. Affirmative Action is bad in real life, and it’s bad in video games as well. Doesn’t make things better. It’s all about the illusion.
I think what people mean is Wrath is the point where a lot of people figured it out and really noticed the changing of the dynamic of the game. As Asmongold says “Wrath was the beginning of the end”.
I’ll probably get pooped on for even mentioning the guy, but that bald neckbeard is right.
Add the first h to the link, so no, TBC introduced LFD, not wrath
So you want to go back to the point where you have to lose your wife, kids, family, and job for the sake of finding and maintaining 40 people to do a raid with?
Let me put things in a simpler perspective. People now, after one wipe on a boss, just leave altogether. And in classic you had to look for 40 people.
No, I don’t want that. I also never said anything like that.
Thanks for throwing words in my mouth. You need a better way to argue.
So you honestly believe that everyone who partook in 40 man raiding back then absolutely destroyed their lives to do so?
You’re delusional.
3.3 is to blame
/10 characters
Well I’ve seen people like you wanting to go back to classic all the time. And people boasting about classic. And classic this and that. I started in TBC, and even then nobody got to endgame content. And you were ultra super lucky if you had a guild that even did that content. The raid bosses themselves didn’t have that many mechanics you had to deal with like you do now so technically you’re removing the challenge from the game when you think you’re bringing it back.
I don’t want to go back to those days. I want to experience content. I want to see what happens next, not be gated out of it. I will say I do think WotLK was a problem because of the addition of a new difficulty. We don’t need multiple difficulties of raiding, because that’s the actual thing that gates people from progress.
He’s not right, unless you live in the world where affirmative action behaves the way racists think it does, but it doesn’t in actual reality. Hell, it keeps getting weakened, and most of the big boogeymen that get brought up about it have been declared illegal by court rulings (like admissions quotas.)
Vanilla never gated people out of content. Everyone was more than capable of making friends, finding a guild, etc. Even the 13 14 year old me was able to accomplish everything outside of Naxxramas back then.
Name of the game was finding friends and taking on the world. And it was awesome ^.^
I’m not denying it wasn’t fun, in fact it’s still fun! I’m saying you guys are some mega ultra outliers.
WoW Classic/TBC:
[[ Here’s themajority of the wow population at that time ][ ]]<—the little box is you
Not everyone at the time could afford a wow sub. And as 12 year olds you had to either beg or skip money from lunch to afford it. You also had to have very little contact with the outside world to get far into the game.
I jumped in the game with 1 friend and managed to get the experience I wanted and more. And this was during Sophmore years. During that time I managed to play a specialization that wasn’t favorable in raids and communicated with players on the realm to the point where if I wanted to be invited to a raid it wasn’t an issue because people knew I was at least competent.
Dunno dude. If the high school version of myself had no problem with convincing grown adults to invite me to content then I hold the perspective that the player had to take initiative and set things in motion for themselves.
Not to say there aren’t unique situations where the opposite is true. But it’s hard for me to believe that the entire experience for casuals across the board was having this big issue in getting into content. When sometimes all it takes to get in is a simple hello and a little dialogue between the player and whoever it is they’re trying to get to invite them.
You can still do that, they just removed this aspect from flooding trade chat all over. Notice when you right click a name in the LFG tool there’s an option to whisper the player.
That link goes to the TBC page. Absolutely nothing there says LFD to be introduced.
Here’s the WoWWiki entry for LFD: wowwiki.fandom.comm/wiki/Dungeon_Finder
Literally says right in the first paragraph that is came in 3.3.
Yeah but it’s not the same. There is no Group Finder community. But there was Server community.