BFA Heroic Dungeons Dropping Normal Gear Recolors

As of DF Prepatch Phase 2, BFA Heroic Dungeon Armor and Weapon Recolors appear to have been removed from the game. BFA Heroic Dungeons are now dropping the BFA Normal Dungeon Armor and Weapon Recolors.

This is reflected both in the Adventure Guide and in the actual drops. Items marked as [Heroic] Item Level 157 when equipped or previewed are the now Item Level 194 skins (since BFA Normal now scales to 60).

I did not see this as a documented change anywhere. If this is unintentional, please restore the BFA Heroic Dungeon gear recolors for the Transmog community. If can’t fathom why this would be intentional, as it makes no sense.

A Troll player that needs more Troll-themed transmog in varying colors.

EDIT: This appears to have been corrected in an undocumented hotfix. BFA Heroic dungeons (and Adventure Guide) are once again showing/dropping the correct recolors. (post DF launch)