Hey, I’m just wondering where we get follower equipment this expansion. I’m finally getting down to leveling my followers through the mission table, and have 2 at legendary and the rest at epic right now. I noticed they have open equipment slots, but I’ve never seen one this expansion.
They don’t show up in follower missions, I didn’t get any from the war campaign…
I tried using the Legion ones, but that didn’t work.
Any ideas?
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I thought the bonuses were weak on the follower equipment so I never pursued it much. Most of it is crafted. Look at your professions or the Auction House.
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Any idea what to search under on the AH?
Thanks a lot for the help! =)
You might want to ask yourself before you buy these from the AH if you are going to get your gold back because so far those missions rewards aren’t really going to pay for 20k it will cost you in most cases.
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Yeah, I actually decided not to buy any. 20K to sometimes bring back herbs? Nah, I’m good.
I was hoping for something more along the lines of what they used in the past. Give me XP boosts, Faster missions, and increased success chance.
Followers equipment was just as dumb as the BFA “Resources”, formally known as Class Hall perks.
I only picked the first two but never went and did the five islands required to unlock 3-6.
Anyone else forgot about the resources?
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The 7th legion quartermaster sell some that increase success chance. I use that on my followers.
This… I’m in the same boat. On all my characters I only have the first two unlocked and nothing else.
Even if I unlocked the other ones, they don’t really do much. I don’t really see the point in having them. The Legion style was much better.
I found that out. I’ve only picked up one so far for one of my followers. When I did it the rest of them were on missions and you can only have one in your bag at a time, so I haven’t gotten around to putting them on other followers yet. You can only have one per follower though, which kind of stinks, and it’s only 5%.
But it’s better than nothing.
To answer the original question, “Consumables” -> “Other”.
I just get the one for 200 resources from the alliance vanguard emissary (or whatever its called). ITs the lightforged dranei near your boat. It gives your 5% more chance. Rest as far as I know are crafted and none of them are worth the effort to make. I think they take like 20 to 30 expulsiums among other things to make. They usually just do something like bring back a few tradeskill items.
Professions make follower equipment. I recently leveled engineering and blacksmith which have some goodies to use.!
I actually had an equipment drop from a mob the other day randomly. It was for the potential to get addition cloth per mission. All my followers are epic and I never noticed the equipment slots. I believe some professions can make equipment but the expense to make was worth it in the long run. I did equip the cloth one tho and it’s been productive.