BFA dungeons not soloable due to mind control mechanics

Only mythic level drops tidal cores which are what I need :[

Its always confused me. I had this idea that if Legacy loot was activated then it also meant that legacy difficult was activated as well. If its separate I really cant see why. Shouldnt they sort of go together?

They should. But Blizz is being Blizz. Weā€™re not allowed to have fun.

Sorry, it is correct. No reason for this change other than making it like legacy content which is meant to be solo able.

Ooo. An internet argument between Rhielle and Orctang.


Are pets a work around?

Just had an entire discussion about this. Please read the entire thread and stop arguing your semantics. Thanks. Not responding to you anymore, because Iā€™m in no mood for our bickering tonight. I luv ya, but no. lol

It was originally announced to be a 10 level gap. They changed it to an 11 level gap to annoy us.

Not sure, only tried it on my rogue. If anyone knows of an item or toy that produces an extra pet to try Iā€™d go farm that.

That was quick. Left on a note of toxic positivity.

OMG I remember this and everyone was just likeā€¦

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If it does work you could try a trinket. Many provide a slime, or something like that.

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Man, I canā€™t wait for cataclysm to become legacy contentā€¦

I love you too, but the change was made to make it solo able. This is the definition of legacy content by any normal standards.

Itā€™s cool. We shall let this rest in peace.

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Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d trust that. Storm, Earth and Fire has seen my spirits just stand there with their thumbs up their butt recently.

Okay, I lied. Because I have to at least say this. lol

This is the key. :point_up:

Youā€™re asking for ā€œnormal standards.ā€ But weā€™re talking about Blizz. :wink:

Thatā€™s why I said this:

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On the third boss in the Shrine of the Storms you can dive in the water and swim through the cave before the encounter starts. That way you skip him and his mind control and still finish the dungeon.


Most of the dungeons, including Mechagon are soloable in BFA now. The only ones that arenā€™t are due to MC mechanics or other mechanics which immobilize the player. Hopefully these will be addressed soon in the same way Entomb was changed for the Kingā€™s Rest dungeon. In the meantime, if you want to speed up the process submit suggestions to Blizzard via their tool accessible in the support menu.

didnā€™t know that, thanks for the helpful suggestion!

Iirc you have to wait till .2 or .3 to solo mythic 0 cause thatā€™s around the time when we should outgear the previous expansion significantly. Then raids will be 1-2 expansions down the road.