There was a lot of story quickly slammed shut and cut when Vanilla transitioned to TBC. Ideas can easily be pulled as well from the old WoW D20/Sword and Sorcery handbooks.
The Ashbringer initially would have taken us to Outland to begin purification.
Atiesh would have been needed to get into Karazhan itself, I would not be shocked if it has some hidden purpose in the Crypts.
I believe the original idea to open the Dark Portal was an item for Warlocks within Karazhan.
We also have the demon presence in Mount Hyjal and the Argent Dawn also trying to tackle that.
Other areas such as Stormwind Vaults, Strattholme rear/ports, Eranikus chain, Caverns of Time (given Blood of the Lightbringer gave us time travel).
In P7 if they are hinting at Light’s Wrath story that was basidally the 2nd Ashbringer and the Legion interferred which could open ways to go to Outland/motives. Especially if they follow up P7 with a Hyjal patch.
There are quite a few routes they can go and a great chance to pull ideas from the old Tabletop as well.
If we go to outland it better not be the same content as BC
This concept of Outland I bring up requires us to Open the portal itself. Not the other way around. So id imagine it would be very different.
Also to add: Ally Shamans and Horde Paladins need to def be a thing. With the storyline earlier on and what could happen later also introducing Dwarf SHM and Tauren PLD should also happen.
Hopefully this doesn’t happen. Paladin has been the main character enough times in this game. Time for something else.
I would be genuinely shocked if it was anything beyond reworking a few areas into 5 mans
In SoD, the end of Naxx will have Kel’Thuzad win due to Xal’atath’s tinkering in Vanilla, which results in the players receiving a debuff turning us “Undead”, thus our conflict with Tyr’s Hand begins. P8 is us teaming with Undead/LK to fight the Scarlet Crusade
source: dad works for nintendo
Thats a very bad take. Because it would not just be Paladins in this case.
Imagine refuting story because: Paladins.
Your opinion. I’ve probably just played a lot more warcraft than you have and I’m tired of paladin stories is all.
Given the nature of the Shadowy figure its probable. Also that in Wrath the Phylactery was not destroyed so could be a follow up as well with that.
I’m still a firm believer that SoD is a testing ground for a future classic+. The runes are just abilities they’d like to implement in, I don’t foresee this much content going into SoD but instead being a part of a future classic+ perma release. May just be my hopium though. All fantastic ideas though, think the whole player base could agree that this content would be awesome.
There are a few scenarios I have for this
-SoD transitions into C+ via P8 and beyond
-Characters from SoD get a copy paste to new server types that is dedicated to C+
-New C+ servers launch within a few years.
My pov is they want to save resources and its the first two. They just need to alter Outland and do the original intended Pre BC story they wanted but now with a Xal’atath/Void and Naaru/Light element.
If Hyjal shows up then it will be telling.
EDIT ADD: If we see Death Knights show up via Runes that got leaked prior and see Alliance Shaman and Horde Paladin.
Considering how popular SOD is and since Blizzard likes money. It would be more shocking if they didn’t develop more content after scarlet crusade raid or dungeon. If they didn’t want to give players anything beyond that. They would just tell players that this is it. This is the end. But they haven’t.
Thats my thought process exactly. They have a lot of scrapped content they can draw from the Pre BC stuff and much to explore regardless. If they do a “TBC” I imagine it will be very different especially transition given the old story regarding the Warlocks and Karazhan.
Being said I would wager a couple chips we could see a level 60 Kara raid.
Classic doesn’t make them money like retail cash shop
But there you go. If we view this as resource managment then it makes sense.