So I am doing the double daily HoL. The ele mobs that do AOE damage to everyone in range when they die that are right after the first boss come up. I drop a death and decay on them and try to run up the stairs. Farthouse starts spamming seed and they all detonate on me and I die. He starts saying “Everytime” To which I reply: “Yeah if you spam seed when melee are trying to run past them” He starts to lecture me about how I should hang back and let the ranged deal with it.
We get through the dungeon and the room after killing the second boss is full of melee bad things. Spinning aoe mobs which if you don’t interrupt or run away from will decimate you as a melee class. Not easy to deal with because they also put you to sleep and hit you with a lightning debuff if you try to move causing you to take more potentially lethal damage. So seeing the the healer was already nearly OOM and that the innervate was already used, I hang back, drop death and decays and throw out some icy touch’s in that room. We get through it and now he’s complaining that I am doing nothing and that he’s going to kick me from the group. He waits all the way until we pull Loken, kicks me, and whispers me a sad face.
This is my PSA. Pug with this guy at your own risk.