Better get started on enjoying Horrific Visions

Perhaps, I’m seeing some elements of PotD in the descriptions there… though several of the traits seem to be pulled out of Horrific Visions (entry fee and limited access), and Blizz’ bad habit of tying a key part of the overall progression system to a single piece of content.

Nevertheless, having tried both PotD and Horrific Visions.
I’m not impressed with either type of content.

At least PotD had the dignity to keep itself as a purely optional piece of content which was an alternative for leveling classes and farming tomestones. You could pursue further into it than the story required if you wished for some achievements, but that’s about it.

The same can’t be said about Horrific Visions and Torghast (based on available info). Visions are the ONLY method for upgrading the Legendary cloak, while it appears that Torghast will be the only method for obtaining Legendary gear. As annoying as the random nature of obtaining them was in Legion, at least you could get Legendary gear from a wide variety of sources.

A single piece of content being the core of progression – again.
And if it happens to be content you despise, you’re out of luck.

… and I have no idea as to why, but Blizz seems determined to add in almost nothing but content I despise into WoW these days.

lmao all of this sounds really cool tbh, I’m absolutely stoked for it

I already decided I didn’t like it during the announcement at blizzcon. The only thing that might save it for me is if they put a really good profession system in.

Kind of wondered. Some other people presented the idea, that visions might be a preview.

I’m OK with that, since I’m now able to do the 3 percent per week after 15.

So I might not be an uber tower delver, but I can probably grind it out.

I don’t hate Horrific visions because “i can’t”, I hate them because they are timed, if I wanted to race I would play Mario Kart. I play a mmo because I like to take my time and enjoy the content not race thru it as fast as I can. It’s the whole reason I refuse to run mythic+, and have not stepped foot in one since early Legion, and have not did a visions in weeks.

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Except Visions COULD have been a lot better. Have you seen the class abilities you’ll be able to unlock inside the tower?

They are nutso. They don’t have to worry about balance inside the tower, so they can just let us go crazy. It looks like they took the idea but are trying to improve it to make them fun.

Just because they introduce an idea and it doesn’t work doesn’t mean the whole idea needs to be scrapped. They just may not have implemented it well. Like with visions.

I’m going to be honest about my feelings on visions currently:

By the time I level the cloak the world quests have already handed me more high level gear and filled me with more corruption then I could ever want. So it is useless for upgrades and just something I feel I have to do to keep up. So the scaling on that needs to be looked at.

Also classes can basically do the same DPS however cast times for that dps do vary greatly. That also needs to be looked into.

Also the potions. Love having them there. HATE not knowing what is what. I know there is a trick to tell what will kill you however that only eliminates one. Each run thru it all changes. I HATE pressure to begin, but pressure with a weird puzzle is a bitt too much. I would like it if they standardized the potions so I could know what I am looking at and what to aim for. I understand it adds to the challenge but honestly the potion scramble could just be made into a mask effect.

I also dislike timers, I understand the need, but dislike them. What they do it encourage the zerg strat above all else. Simply because there is too much to do and not enough time to think of better strats. This has programed good people to be harsher then they would normally be. So if we can find a way to do it so we can add the timers for slightly better loot chances and disable them if we wish that would be nice.

Ok Blizzard pls take what I said and add it to the tower, pls and thank you.

I don’t know OP… I’m kinda seeing these changes as more of an improvement over the current design.

No tests were done yet I don’t think so when it goes on Alpha for actual testing, then there is a reason to point out the flaws etc… because then people will see how it feels, how it plays, and so on and so forth.

This content won’t please everyone but for the feed back given in the past, they really tried to strike a meaningful balance so Kudos to them.

Sorry some of us enjoy good challenging solo experience, and I hope Torghast is harder cuz 5masking visions are a joke once you get heroic ilvl and 15 cloak.

anyone who didn’t think visions were a trail of torghast was kidding themselves.

however, torghast is supposed to have class specific tech trees, so that should improve replayability somewhat

The way vitality is sounding it might be reduced for errors like getting hit by certain enemy skills or environment hazards.

The numbers are so low it would be pointless to add “vitality is drained by 1 every 1 minute”. The vitality skills are

-Killing a mawrat gives you 1
-Ascending floor gives you 5
-Reduce vitality damage by 1

Going by sanity these are worthless, they are so small if we have an ever draining bar. So I’m gonna considered vitality an event HP bar until they give more information.

Don’t get hit and you can keep going.
Speed run it and make mistakes? you are gonna get kicked out.