Better for questing?

Is brewmaster or mistweaver better for questing? I found healing still has some wait but tank was pretty in a instant yesterday but I’m not confident in tanking mythic. I’d like to do everything on one dude and do not like windwalker.

Thanks for any help

Brewmaster is much better for questing because you can easily gather multiple groups with your Ox Totem and mow them all down with your high-damaging, aoe abilities.

The Ox Totem also acts as an off-tank, being able to soak majority of damage from enemies. Alongside high aoe damage, you have great heals and damage reduction.

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All healers will be worse than a DPS spec at questing because DPS kills mobs much faster and dead enemies don’t deal any damage that you need to heal. This is especially the case for Windwalker vs. Mistweaver since Windwalker is one of the best questing specs in the entire game.

Tank specs like Brewmaster can be faster than Windwalker if you know how to mass-pull well. But Brewmaster is still an order of magnitude better than Mistweaver since Brew has good damage (even when played suboptimally) and survivability.

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Than you guys