Beta Stress Test Invitation Began

Sure! I mean they wouldn’t want to overload the download servers? If thats even a thing?

Whatever it takes to believe my invite is still out there!

I thought that was the point of a stress test?

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Shhhhhh :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face:


Happy Birthday!

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I wish i was in

Just got in, downloading it now!

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Yeah I got one too… I’ll see you in 2 days… Yeah Right! In my dreams…

I got in! Truly Blizzard knows a true Hero and Savior of Azeroth when it sees one. I shall be the greatest of level 5 testers tomorrow as I stand with the philistines all congregating in Northshire. No one will swing a weapon as true as I while I quest for the local populace.


How is it worded in the launcher?

Beta & Stress Test: WoW Classic


So are you in the beta, the stress test or both?

What? /put hand over face /angry face

I stand corrected. Just got it!


Day 7564

No stress test invite or Beta invite…

slowly begins sacrificing more lambs


Blizzard was too lazy to word it properly so they just went with both.

And I might add. I may be salty but what I said is still true.

If it says Beta & Stress Test it is simply temporary and access will be removed after the test is over. Or that is my more than likely correct assumption.

I think it’s because it’s the same client, why have two different options for the same thing?

Grats man! Did you happen to just get it? or didnt check your launcher? Trying to reach for hope lol

‘Was’, because now it’s blighted to smithereens. Thank Sylvanas for that one.

She is 2-0 vs capital cities right now.

grats smokescreen!