Beta Stress Test Invitation Began

I’m pretty excited. Great change of pace. I was getting pretty buttblasted in another game and thinking “wow, I wish I could play something else until all the gimmicks are discovered for this map.” I hope this email is legit.

so having got into the stress test, what we can only play for a few hours when a billion people log in and there is 30 people trying to kill one sheep and then they close the server? Not trying to sound ungrateful, but damn.

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Strange I just checked the email and I got it to

“Woman becomes man?”

What poor soul wants THAT?! At least as a woman she’s pretty.

I’m checking it out now to see if it’s legit…I’ll post and let you all know :slight_smile:

I just saw the email come in too, funny because I saw it on my launcher about an hour and a half ago lol


The level cap is 5, damn I still have toons on my account that are lvl 5 I abandoned back before Burning Crusade.

Just got the email. Seems like a lot of people did. Was this a screw up? Not seeing anything in my launcher yet.

Well, I was just surprised to see I got the Stress Test access. I already have the next 4 days off, but I guess I’m gonna relive my glory days helping Blizzard test out a game. To me, that’s the true nostalgia, I was always excited to help test stuff and contribute feedback. (WoTLK testing was amazing.)

I mean, I feel like to accurately test this out, you’d need a bunch of mages and warlocks spamming Rain of Fire / Blizzard in the same spot, so level 5 seems like an interesting choice.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! (Or I look forward to attempting to join and instantly disconnect while they iron out the bugs, whatever.)

Just got invite!!! Jan. 2005 sub.

It says em.blizzard Not real

stress testers sometimes turn into beta testers

Thank you for the stress invite. Hopefully I can prove myself and it be upgraded to a beta. I am currently watching WoW classic streams non stop anyway so I am confident I will be a good choice to test things.

edit: I just realized the unintentional pun. On a side note I did play during vanilla (on another account) so I can hit max level quite easily.

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I got a email from blizz saying I wont get beta and stress test for vanilla. :slight_smile:

Can anyone confirm if this beta invitation is real?

Careful, you’ll upset the matriarchy.

I just got my stress test invite! But it’s not on the launcher as an option to download. I launched it a few different times.

are you all trolling or am i still that unlucky not to get an email

Is this invite just temporary? So once that 2 hour window is gone we will no longer have access to beta?

I bet they got more subscriptions with this beta than with BFA.
Not mine. I don’t want to pay for doing testing, I have had my share IRL,
but if I get an invite, by mistake or something, I will let you guys know.