Not both …
think same client different servers
They are using the same tag for both now I believe.
The way to check and see if you really have both is to open the client and look at the server list. If it just has the stress test server I don’t think you have access to both.
You can still go to both cities.
Yeah im not in yet but im praying to the gods of rng that i do get in even if its just for the stress test i have waited patiantly for so long and still am waiting.
If you only just got in today, then it is a stress test invite only. You can log in to check. If you can’t access the closed beta server, you didn’t get in.
You can’t go out and play with your friends until you’ve finished your homework!
Now, show me how you derive the quadratic formula.
– World of Warcraft Classic™ parenting circ. 2004+
Confirmed got into the stress test beta, was super excited only to log in and it said servers are down. #sad face
Yeah the stress test server wont be up untill tomorrow.
No invite yet for me.
Just as an aside, invites for the stress test are still going out at this hour. Last checked at 9:30, checked again at 10:00 and was in. Invite went out between those times, or the system didn’t catch up between those times.
Restarted the launcher both times (9:30 and 10:00), so it wasn’t a restart issue.
for anyone wondering, the server name/status is “Classic Stress Test” PVP offline
But mom I already passed college algebra did you take your alzheimers meds today
I…I…I can’t remember if I did.
Did you forget to put my beta invite in the mail today???
didya check it recently? might want to completely exit out of it, and then reboot it. like it cant be running in the background. then reboot.
Even if you can’t log into anything - that sound … THAT brings back memories.
I have every 5 minutes still nothing
My son, the very day you were born the forests of lordaeron whispered the name, “no beta invites”
My child, I watched with pride as you grew as a weapon of RNG.
Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength.
And I know you will exercise great patience when waiting for your beta invite.
But the truest victory my son, is denying the hearts of your people (a beta invite).
I tell you this because when 27 August hits my rule will come to an end.
allow me to pace for you