Beta & Stress Test Back on Launcher!

I honestly wouldn’t get your hopes up stress testers, unless they actually emailed you for the AV invite, you may be able to start the game but the stress test realm will be unavailable to play.

I just checked my account…nothing. >:[

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Yep, no new account for me either.

Though I love the Classic background on the launcher. I also got the Beta/Stress Test update.


They made it visible for everyone that has Classic client already installed but not actually playable

Now it disables the play button and states: “you can’t play wow classic yet”

Weird, they made it clear only beta tester would have access to he realm of strife.

keeping up the hope, it’s too much of a tease to allow us to see stress test now.

Has anyone who missed last month’s stress test (and doesn’t have it installed), got it showing?

The next stress test is June 19. I’d wager that is all this is for.

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Blizzard: “Alright, let’s remove all their beta launchers so they stop losing their mind thinking they’ve got beta.”

Beta launchers removed. And then…

Blizzard: “Alright. Let’s make launchers appear for all of them. That say you can’t play YET. While the servers are down and while we’re launching a special AV server. And best of all… Let’s say nothing at all about it and just watch them lose their #%#ing minds. -cackle-”


Looks like we got jebaited… :frowning:


Yup, i can see my stress test option available again! But the play button is greyed out. It will be time again soon…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Mine as well, but it says “You can’t play WoW Classic yet.”

So I don’t think it has to do with the AV server coming up today, since I can see the streamers are online, but can’t launch the client.


AV servers are up. So for those that were hopeful this meant you’d get to partake today… no dice. Not sure why they’d allow it to pop up so early in advance anyways, but whatever. It is expected at this point.

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I can select the Beta & Stress Test: Classic WoW option, but my PLAY button is unclickable and it says i cant play classic yet. /CRY

Just got mine back
Cant click play tho

This is the worst jebait of all time.


Whelp. That makes sense. That was literally. The worst possible time. Blizzard could have made our launchers reappear. It couldn’t have possibly been worse lol …

Like. When they’re opening a new server for new testing of AV which requires a lot of people … And at the exact same moment… All of our launchers for beta reappear… OF COURSE WE THOUGHT WE WERE GETTING IN. x’D

Like literally… Any other time to restore the launcher. Holy crap.

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If your play button is greyed out, you can try manually opening the client in the WoW folder and sign in, but it will probably show “no realms available”

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Well I asked about why the beta/stress test option had shown up in the av feedback thread that only had a blue post and it got deleted instead of answered so I guess we just don’t get to know.

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I got so excited when I saw the “play” button wasn’t grayed out and I clicked it while literally squealing like a little child.
…misclicked on the PTR. The tears are real, boys. :sob:


No. That was a week and a half ago when some people were accidentally allowed to login to the beta that weren’t supposed to. They leveled up to like ~3 and then got disconnected and the beta was taken away. I think that is probably worse than this.