You’re right, it’s not confusing. By having no choice it leaves very little room for error or confusion.
Do you have all 3 capstone talents? Congratulations you have specced correctly!
Do you not have all 3 capstone talents? Boo, might need to work that talent tree friend, you’ve done something wrong.
Prot might be “better off” than the other 2 specs but that doesn’t mean they have done a good job.
I couldn’t care less for how good people subjectively find a rotation to be, that doesn’t offset the actual poor design of the talent trees in particular the class one.
Being forced into a specific build path instead of having choice due to the amount of throughput talents for all specs is poor design and failure to accomplish their objective with the new system.
Giving talents to Holy that enourage it to play at range whilst it’s mastery still requires you to play up close is bad design.
Punishing Ret for tying to use a raid beneficial aura is bad design.
Making trap talents that actively reduce your damage and raid contribution whilst also only giving you half the benefit they should is bad design.
The list goes on, and more power to you if you enjoy the rotation and the gameplay, but don’t dismiss the lack of effort and feedback on Blizzard’s behalf that has gone to create a very poorly designed class.