Beta players are already abusing layering

well people wont be popping in and out of existence. you’ll be able to form big wpvp battles, in fact, we were doing it on the beta stress test. the big draw back is that someone can get invited to another layer and farm resources from as many layers as is available for that realm. some suggested that they make it so you can only loot quest objectives if not on your assigned layer.

anyway, this will all be over by the end of phase 1. then if some servers are still too overpopulated, layers will be pulled out and made into their own server realms.

That is a pure and unadulterated joke.
Look at the previous beta tests and say that again.
I spent hours finding bugs, glitches and issues with WoD and reported them.
Just look at the previous forums and thousand of posts about issues we found, oh wait…you can’t. Blizz deleted them.


In fairness, WoW has a less than stellar track record of actually fixing these type of issues.


trolls trolling trolls! :rofl:

This is your first beta, isn’t it?


Doesn’t matter about previous, the definition of beta test doesn’t change because one company is incompetent and can’t fix.

:thinking: Yeah, you right. Been here since as long I can remember, but it’s the first. True they’ve screwed over retail for the last few years, but I can say they’ve so far put a lot of love and effort into what we’ve wanted with Vanilla. Even still, beta doesn’t lose definition because of one company.

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I agree, they should completely remove layering. Server lag and almost daily crashes were the true classic experience. They should also shut em down all day every Tues, 1/2 a day every Wed, and several hours on Sat and Sun to really bring it back to 2004.

We can throw around definitions all day long but I’ve seen how the last handful of beta’s have gone. You’re 100% trolling if you’re going to sit there and try to say that Blizzard has used beta as an actual beta instead of just an advertisement for the next expansion since the WoD beta.


Trolling because they have used beta to fix stuff lol okay buddy pal. I never said they didn’t use it that way, but stuff still gets reported, you know. Beta stuff. Feedback. They’ve shown they’ve been listening for this project, and you can’t deny it.

Of course it gets reported. Testers report stuff all the time. reporting does no good when the insane number of exploits, bugs, and glitches make it live after being steady reported in beta though.

Have a good night.


We’ll see when it actually comes out, eh?

I have observed that the player base manages to find every single opportunity very quickly.

Who would have thought that something as unproven as layering would offer it’s own version of realm hopping? OH yep, players instinctively think realm hopping, how can I do it to mine a node again? Lets try this. Hey it worked. Wonder if it will work again , and again , and again?

What Else is possible to turn the mechanics to my favor.

That is the typical wow player mindset, esp people who have lots of time in game seeing things happen with unintended / unforeseen consequences.


while on the beta stress test i reported that back pedaling was too fast and that the city servers werent spawning npcs and were rubber banding people back to the entrance after like 40 seconds. the second one was fixed, the first one wasn’t, at least not yet. i mean you could back pedal fast enough to essentially kite mobs as a caster.

They don’t really have a choice here. It’s either “layer it for a couple weeks, consequences and all; and actually let people play” or “don’t layer it, and no one can play. At all.” Soo…


Or they just make enough realms/bigger realms to start with and as the hype inevitably dies down they just merge the lower pop servers together into one higher pop server. Tbh that’s what they should do in retail too.

There’s no excuse for layering except it saves them a bit of $$$, that’s all. It’s not better for the player experience whatsoever.

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Except that is exactly what devs AND players don’t want. “Hey, we’ve been on this server for 2 months. Hype has died down, now we’re a crippled server. Now we’re being merged and now we’re with thousands of people i’ve never seen before. Great experience blizz!” and people cry and complain on the forums. Get over it. Layering will be a thing - for only a couple weeks. Deal with it.

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What they need to do is address the layer hopping, which obviously can be exploited.

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resource abuse solution: can loot quest objectives only if not on assigned session layer

pvp/pve abuse solution: receive a layer hopping debuff during combat of any kind, that doesnt expire until you’ve been out of combat for 5 minutes, then you can layer hop

Of course they need to fix that! Anything that can be exploited needs to be fixed if they can

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The best thing that can happen is that the video gets seen by a lot of people. They admit that they are working on layering, there will be bugs and exploits to fix.

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