Beta Key giveaways making people answer trivia feels like gatekeeping imo

Two out of the hundreds if not thousands she is responsible for having slain.

Still having an emotional meltdown, fox?


Still I doubt her sisters wants her dead and I even doubt her friends wants her dead.

One families grief or wishes does not trump the hundreds or thousands of others.

People with power decide the rules. Tyrande says no.


/10 char

It’s not up to them to decide it’s up to her sisters and her former friend the region lord of silvermoon.

Then her people should overthrow the useless Preist, whom their goddess has failed through her by allowing the Horde to destroy their homeland and slaughter their people through fiery agony.

Tyrande chose redemption over retribution.

A tyrant does not control the heart of their people.

Formally a tyrant but not anymore.

Time to break out the notepad.

Exiled all races but orcs and tauren from Orgrimmar because those are the only races strong enough to represent the Horde, but really only orcs. He let’s some goblins stick around too because they do what he says.
Forced the Horde races, who weren’t interested in a war, into a battle against the Alliance on Kalimdor basically because he wanted the whole continent. Ultimately ending with Theramore’s destruction, not in honorable battle, but with a Mana Bomb that leveled the town, killing everyone in it including key Alliance figures and Rhonin. (Don’t forget all the Children Garrosh had taken from Theramore btw and the rest of the Civilians captured escaping to Gadgetzan by boat)
*Theramore frequently hosted diplomatic summits between the Horde and Alliance, and shelted Baine when Thunder Bluff was under siege by the very same Grimtotem that diminished Garrosh’s ability and honor during the Mak’gora.
In response, Garrosh wrote a strongly worded letter, allowing Tauren civilians to continue dying, while the Steamwheedle Cartel–a neutral party–saved the day. This is why Baine continues to question Garrosh’s commitment to the Horde.
Really bullies around the other Horde racial leaders, and eventually tries to have Vol’jin murdered.
Tries again and again to find a way to exploit Pandaria for personal gain however possible with no regard for the Pandaren.
Goes back in time with a bronze dragon with the intent of rallying the Draenor orc forces to create an army to help combat the legion in the coming battle on Azeroth, but instead kills the bronze dragon and decides to rally the orcs to take over Azeroth.
*Garrosh sent the blood elves into death traps trying to find the Divine Bell before Lorthemar considered joining the Alliance again.
*Garrosh would just flat out kill anyone who disagreed with him (Tides of War, has his hencemen blow up a whole pub basically just because a forsaken and blood elf were saying they didnt like how things were going)
*Garrosh acted like a dictator with the title Warchief, which Thrall never was a dictator, and he CREATED the Horde. So Garrosh twisted his position into something it wasnt just because of the label. In Tides of War, Baine reflects on how his father would tell him about how the meetings of the race leaders would be a huge feast, with celebration, yet Garrosh made it into a time to command everyone. Vol’jin also says “The Horde is Family”, not a warmachine led by a dicator.
*Used blindfolded goblins as target practice for his Korkron
*hung all the warlocks in the cleft of shadows
*Since Wrath, Garrosh has been fiercely anti-human, racist and aggressively confrontational with the Alliance.
*Garrosh was throwing his people in as meat shields against the Mogu with no warning as to the dangers that they would face, scoffed in Lor’themar’s face when he called Garrosh out for not warning him of the danger, and then proceeded to use some of the Sunreavers as his own personal entourage to steal the Divine Bell and have the Blood Elves blamed for it. Which, in turn, CAUSED Lor’themar’s plan to fail.
*Baine is no doubt going to be hunting Magatha till she’s hung from the gallows for her crimes. HOWEVER, that doesn’t cause Garrosh to be free of blame for Cairne’s death. The poisoned blade hit Cairne, and he had clearly changed from honorable, strong, experienced fighter to that of a dazed fool who could barely move. After only a scratch! Garrosh could easily spot the change in Cairne’s demeanor, and yet he still chose to kill Cairne. He is ALSO the one who chose to ensure the Mak’gorah was still a battle to the death, but Cairne did indeed agree to that.
*Garrosh has been ordering the Tauren into nigh impossible situations since early on as well. Baine has a short story on the website, where Garrosh is demanding water from Mulgore for his troops (Orcs. In case anyone was wondering when he became so racist; He always was.), despite there being a water SHORTAGE in Mulgore at the time. No doubt these kinds of things are FAR from uncommon in Garrosh’s Horde.
*Thereamore: reinforcements were sent into the southern Barrens in response to Garrosh’s assault of the night elves and Ashenvale. Garrosh is who created the ‘military threat’, not the Alliance. The ramp up of Theramore is a direct result of Garrosh’s actions as warchief, not the other way around.

Shortly after the arrival of the 7th fleet, Jaina had insisted that one ship, the Starsword, be dispatched to bear the civilians of the city who wished to leave to safety. All of the children went aboard, and many of their families. Others chose to stay. It was their home; they loved it as Jaina did and wanted to defend it. Ratchet would have been the first choice, and from there the ship would have traveled to Stranglethorn. Unfortunately, while the goblins who ran Ratchet were neutral considering the flood of Horde that had recently passed through that town, Ratchet was deemed far too unsafe for Alliance refugees. So instead, the Starsword had sailed for Gadgetzan.
–Tides of War, ch. 16, p. 325

Rebellion against Elune, why not?

People still believe in ancient books in today’s world and kill each other over slight differences or because they worship something that is the same but different.

So we call it for it is.

Bad writing.

To you but to others not so much. You’re just calling it bad because it didn’t go your way. Also, it’s a compromise.

Pretty sure many are unhappy of what state the Horde and Alliance was left in after BFA.

As do many fear of what Blizzard are going invent with this “time skip”

I’m just not a fool.

I’d rather her being dead than for them to invent some BS excuse to bring her back.

Garrosh 2.0 would’ve been bad writing.

Please read Steve Danuser thread since he does have a forum page now.

Maybe if it was under the former now fired creative director but now under Steve not so much.