How on earth is being an Elitist now synonymous with being a lore nerd?
Anyway it’s more than fair. Don’t see what’s wrong with a WoW Beta giveaway asking WoW lore questions that are likely fairly basic if you have been playing the game.
Unless the questions are out there like “what book did Khadgar have on his belt”, something which I doubt anyone would even ask and assume it’s just a spell book, then I think the questions are likely fair.
How is that elitist? Sounds more fun than just rng’ing it out to people. If anything they should have a little questionnaire/quiz for anybody interested in alpha/beta.
Imagine not getting it. Got a lot of simpsons comic book shop guys in here I guess. Its gatekeeping honestly by saying “oh if you dont know x about lore you’re not a real fan”.
…You’re mad about them coming up with more ways to give out beta keys beyond just handing them out via weekly waves as a bad thing? Especially when it’s something so easy and silly as WoW trivia? lol
If you can’t answer any lore or story type of an answer than you shouldn’t have a access code. And also the beta isn’t even the live game it’s supposed to be a testing ground.
I feel like giving people in-game rewards for out of game things breaks Blizzards RMT rules but hey Blizzard breaks their own rules pretty consistently so
If Beta isn’t a ‘reward’ as some are claiming, then why is it something given in a give away in luau of something else that’s generally monetary?
Yes, it is. Anything that goes against their rules is breaking them.
Them doing streamer give aways and what not and now, inviting the ‘Community Council’ appointed by Blizzard alpha+beta access is more evidence of them playing favorites instead of going to make an actual good game and fixing bugs. Instead of you know, inviting the best testers for the job.
I think you have the flimsier understanding. Its definitely gate keeping to act like only people who know about lore are worthy of beta. Newer players could definitely be turned off by such a thing. That’s definitely a way of saying “oh you’re not a real fan because you dont know x y z about this.” Its the exact crap a lot of people have done to women in a fandom for example. “oh you like x? Well answer this about it or you’re not a real fan.”
Beta is a perpetually raging dumpster fire. You’re not missing anything. Everything you touch is critically bugged and not working. Been sitting in dungeon finder queue for 4 hours and every single queue is a different problem that makes the group instantly fall apart and it gives everyone deserter debuff. they’re not giving out keys because they don’t want you playing it in this state.