Beta invites

I streamed once in my prior life. Where is my omega pass?

Better Call Thrall since you ankh’d without a clue.


I think you are misundestanding what beta is used for. While it is for public testing as one asset, the other is for advertisement.

Streamers provide both to a much larger degree than most normal players would.

Streamer will be playing the game a larger number of hours due to streaming being their career, and will be giving free advertising on both Twitch and Youtube.

Beta is NOT early access or a reward for paying customers.

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Seeing that they refused me yet again for beta and I’ve been playing since wrath, paying for multiple accounts even, and now that Dragonflight is reverting back to the god awful master looter system, it is time for me to put WoW in the past and move on. I’ve never been so disappointed.


oof some one had to many invincibles “ninjad” from them it looks like lol.

You are all funny. you think this is just people, its a business so yes Streamers who will show the game will get the invites first… and you think blizz has enough employees to sift through the 10000x of people signed up for beta and are just deciding not to pick you…

I’m a strictly casual player who has received a beta invite for every expansion and every version of Classic since MOP. I’m not a raider, theory crafter, friend, family, or streamer.

Just once, drop the silly conspiracy theories. Thanks.

how’s that a qualifier for a beta?

You’re right, all I need to do is become a streamer and ruin the game further so subscriptions continue to dwindle away.

Been playing since the original TBC and never received a beta invite so I hear you. Not sure how they pick and choose exactly but I stopped expecting one expansions ago. Also, I never “demanded” one. Clearly I’ll never get one so I stopped getting disappointed.

No modern corporation takes care of their paying customers. They are too big to care.

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