If you read the original quote it says subscription or active game time on Battle Net. So yes there was a potential of getting in without a subscription, as it doesn’t even state you need World of Warcraft just Battle Net account.
Angry? Now it’s time to look up the word “irony” Derpa!
I opted in the Classic Beta Opt in before I used a token. Would I have been chosen? Probably not. But it is what it is… if you wanted to gamble for even the smallest chance… you subbed. At no time did anyone say subbing would get you in beta. You can’t get your money back on a losing lottery ticket.
They call the lottery a tax on the stupid… and maybe that’s what this was. But I’m stupid enough to not care, and got in the stress test. Playing it now as a matter of fact. But would not have complained if I had not been selected. I CHOSE to use a token for the remote chance.
They didn’t make you do anything. They stated that they’d pick beta participants out of existing subscribers. They let you know up front. They didn’t say all subs would get beta, or all subs past a particular age.
They didn’t force you to do anything. I’m sorry that you’re salty about this, but that’s on you not them.
It seems like you quoted me but answered someone else. Sounds like you subbed and got in. Gratz!