Beta Invite Wave and Burning Crusade Classic Launch Test

Guessing it’s a massive beta invite. I got in as well.

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No news means they’re standing by their old statement of “later, maybe”

Is it still popular? I don’t see but maybe one or 2 threads on it these days. Blizzard clearly said AFTER TBC launch. They would look at it then. That to me means they aren’t even thinking about it right now.

Hey. We’re awesome ok. It doesn’t have to be massive! We’re just cool kids! Don’t downplay it!

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I just got my invite today lol

BETA back up!

Well the graphic is not fixed, but the GCD exploit is fixed. QQ

tfw no invite T.T
not one of the cool kids haha

sad no beta for me

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it’s ok just means we have more time to farm in classic and be ready for the 2 week pre-patch

How about a longer prepatch time instead of ~2 weeks

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I’m used to never getting invited. I guess I need to have lots of capped characters for Blizzard to care. :smiley: It’s ok, at least the PTR has pre-patch and I can enjoy my Blood Elf paladin even if I’m not able to try out TBC early.

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checked your email on file?

Yep, it’s my primary email address. No invite. It is what it is, though.

there is no cap on the beta

Just got my invite, now I can test if spell pen effects trap resist chance :slight_smile:

will us Battlepass subscribers get premium beta invites?

got the email (like everyone else now) but nothing ont he launcher

Sadly no beta invite. For those who got lucky have fun.

Be happy you got it, since it definitely isn’t everyone else getting invited en masse. :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s not on your launcher you can try fully exiting the launcher and restarting it. I didn’t have it in launcher but noticed I had an invite email, so I restarted the launcher and it was there.

I don’t really have much of any desire to beta test TBC though :man_shrugging:t2:.

My only feedback is, arena changes are garbage for casual PvP and new or returning players would greatly benefit from an XP bonus in the two weeks of pre-patch so we can be ready for TBC without having to pay you or other players for boosts. Didn’t even need to log in!

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