[Beta] Game Disconnects From Server After Reload UI

The WoW Beta client (v11.0.2 55399 Beta x64) disconnects from the server with error WOW51900319 if you perform a Reload UI.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into the game.
  2. Do a /reload.
  3. The game will disconnect.

This adversely affects many addon developers in a huge way. Please make this a priority to fix.

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Reload is working as intended for me. Tried it about 10 times in a row and could not reproduce. I am only running BugGrabber & BugSack, which did not collect any errors while reloading either.

I am noticing the same issue. I tried running without addons, tried on different characters, on two different Beta realms, ran a repair, tried resetting graphics settings (just in case), reset my router, rebooted my computer. Still getting WOW51900319 disconnect error on /reloadui. I submitted a bug report and was thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling.

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Thanks. Good to know I’m not the only one. Please update this thread if you find a fix. I’m working on several addons so this is a major issue for me.

If addons already modified game files, unloading would not resolve issues they caused. You’d want to do a full UI reset as well.

I never installed any other addons except the two I mentioned above. I’ve done all of the raid testing, dungeons, leveled multiple characters, and lots of reloading. Haven’t run into this yet or had any of my guildies mention it.

That’s why I’m betting on an addon problem.

Fair point if I didn’t do a full reset of the game/settings. It is not an addon problem unless it is something they changed in the Blizzard default API that is affecting Blizzard builtin addons.

In any case, I continue to see it. I decided that since I am only seeing it when I reloadui, I just won’t do that for the time being.

I have noticed a considerable increase in “crashes to the desktop” from doing mundane things like mounting the Grand Expedition Yak, hopping around, and just sitting there (windowing out to surf the web looking at builds, forums, etc.).

I have leveled multiple characters (on the Khadgar server), tested 7 different classes, and did all of the raid testing (and dungeon testing) with no crashes or disconnects. It was only in the previous patch (this week) that it started.

That is why I reported it and posted on here.

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Yeah I got the crash to desktop with the yak as well. Annoying.

And this latest patch introduced a graphical bug in that it doesn’t display my pants on my character that were displayed sicne I started playignt he beta.

yup i consistently get a crash when mounting the grand expedition yak now as well

@Elocin: You are correct. I discovered that my reported issue is due to the Details! addon. But, this bug occurs even if you disable the addon (and all of its dependencies) from the character selection screen. The only way to avoid the issue is to fully uninstall Details! before you launch the game.

I still consider this a bug that needs to get fixed because an addon shouldn’t be able to disconnect you from the game, especially if the addon is disabled. But, at least we know the cause so it should be easy to reproduce.

Also, thanks for your all your feedback! Very helpful.

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I addressed this above:

This is unlikely to change, as Blizzard doesn’t review addons or make sure they work well with WoW. They are only handled by third parties. All Blizz does is make sure they don’t provide unfair advantages, and sometimes it takes them a while to notice ones that break that agreement.

This is also why resetting the UI is a required troubleshooting step when a player reports crashing problems.

Thanks a ton! This is still occurring on live and I ran into it. Uninstalling details did the trick. :heart: