(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

Thanks mi amigo

Based on the number of utility/defensive options in the Shadow specific tree, it definitely appears to be a divergence in the design philosophy outlined in interviews and seen it some other class’ talents, with the rogue trees probably being the best example. For reference, this is wowhead’s summary from Ion’s recent interview regarding the intent behind having two trees available:

Two reasons behind separating the trees - first that spec is now a major part of class identity and they didn’t want to lose that, and also because they don’t want players to feel like they have to choose between utility and power, especially as that means most players would just feel like they have to choose power.

As it stands, shadow would need to sacrifice a significant amount of damage to pick up their utility talents, ranging from mandatory (dispersion) to iconic (VE). The mind bomb/psychic voice choice node and the entire VE branch does not belong in the shadow tree. Similarly, the silence branch, which includes dispersion and psychic horror, should not be in the shadow tree. Mental fortitude is bizarrely placed, as it’s a mandatory utility pick in the third tier of talents, which is wildly different than the norm in other spec-specific trees.

Lastly, compare our early talents to the rogue talent trees. They already have pistol shot, ambush, envenom, eviscerate, etc. baseline. Instead of “wasting” points on obtaining core abilities, the first few talents are modifying these skills. We expend too many points on DP/VT/Flay that should go to enhancements for these core abilities. I really feel Fortress of the Mind and even Auspicious Spirits are better fits for the T1 talents than the existing abilities. This is especially important when you consider that it’s even possible to make a build that picks up “useless” talents, due to lacking VT or DvP.

All of this being said, I can acknowledge the difficulty of where to fit in shadow-specific abilities due to the concern of providing them to the healer specs. You can’t really baseline them, but it’s also unacceptable to put them on the class tree. As it stands, my only suggestion would be a catch-all talent in the place of mind flay, maybe? Throw it an RP name and have it teach the essential shadow abilities, along the lines of Flay/VT/VE/Dispersion/DvP. I’m not sure this is the most elegant solution, but it would mirror the way we currently assign baseline abilities while also removing much of the early tree bloat.


Disc in BC still used PoM, but it was mainly a PvP spec.

WOTLK is when Disc leaned more heavily towards its role of damage mitigation so you spent most of your GCDs pre-pwsing the entire raid before AOE damage came out. Disc was my offspec during ICC on fights where PwSing the raid or tank healing was needed more because there wasn’t a lot of raid damage.

The rogue talent tree has both class baseline abilities and spec baseline abilities. Why not give damage abilities as spec baseline similar to the rogue talent trees?

Shaman talents are out. Once again, more thought and synergy within resto tree than we have in Disc.

It’s like priests are an afterthought to the devs, seriously.


I just want to throw out the obvious disclaimer that everything is subject to change. They’re doing things in a “roll-out” testing phase instead of just dumping everything out all at once. The alpha part of the testing is really just getting the client testable so they can launch the actual beta which I’m expecting to be mid to late August. By then we should get a lot more people available to offer feedback.

With Blizzard not having to focus on borrowed power systems like renown, conduits, legendaries, etc. they can focus entirely on the talent trees. So the trees we see now are pretty much not going to be what comes out at release.


I dont want to hear crap about “can’t do Divine Aegis”…lets go look at the Resto Shaman tree…node: Ancestral Awakening:



They already changed sinse last time was saw them which is already a good step. There is still few thing to change but its better than nothing

Chill out.

And reroll if this is the gameplay you are looking for.

I’ve got 0 interrest in that.

Tbh, I find the rshaman tree to be a bit boring. Not the node themselves but more the layout.

It’s a grid, every node is attached to each adjacent nodes… like almost no leaf branches and everthing is easily accessible it seems :thinking:.

I havent checked how it builds yet but this seems like there isnt much restriction because of that)


No, I’m not going to be gaslit by you or anyone else who is like “we can’t do bubble disc” when shamans are getting almost the exact same thing but it’s a heal instead of a bubble.

I’m not saying ‘we can’t’

I’m saying I don’t want it.

Well just like Ancestral Awakening in the resto Shaman tree, don’t take it.

So you’re saying you just need 1 node in the tree to be happy?

Divine Aegis, yessir.

If its jist 1 node and they can balance it. I’m ok with that tbh. But it’s not up to me…

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i agree with Vallanesh’s replies.

Priest are being held back. The theme is disconnected across all three specs, especially more so for shadow.

Shaman is a PRIME example of HOW WELL we can unite all three specs into one thematic form. If they can do this for 1 range dps, 1 melee dps, and 1 healer spec. Then why can’t we do that for priests?

The only limits here are the inability to accept CHANGE in all it forms. Even if they fail a few times with changes, we need to allow them a creative space of welcoming these changes before priests get further pushed back into a worst state.

my View on priest:
The shadow tree is the worst one created by far. All utilities are shoved into the spec itself, leaving you to scatter and scavenge for all of the essential tools. Then, with the little points left, we are allowed to get the fun passives and new stuff (which there aren’t many off). As a result, we get a spec that with too much going on, flow restriction through the tree, and disconnected for the class itself.
To add more to that disconnect, the class portion for shadow is completely none existent.

To me – disc feels like it still is finding its identity in contrast to its superior, holy. Maybe its a false opinion of mine, but I find holy to be the best. I find that holy even got the best treatment of them all. Just call priest HOLY at this point.
my summary:
I think Priest needs to be relooked. I think it needs a good rework and merging all three specs onto one thematic goal (priest class). The identity needs to be formed better and the 3 specs need to entwine better with it.


Well they already made a bit of space into Disc talent. Its already better than before still need work but its a start. While Shadow and Holy still doesnt have any change

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With last year’s history of class reworks, especially for priests, I want to be more aggressive and straightforward. A little is just not enough anymore.

Remember when the forums screamed removed Voidform when Ion said no more reworks after not even touching shadow at all still? Yeah… we cant let this happen again. We can’t let them ignore any class like this, especially priests.

Overall i agree, its good that they are doing something at least. butt I just way more than this. At least a blue post in regards to this. Not a blue post about the POWER INFUSION hysteria.

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I mean Holy is really boring in my optinion. I understand they want to play around HW but they are doing it like half it.

Divine word doesnt proc on player who pick Salvation/Life. Most spell oly buff Flash or Greater heal. Surge is in the Dps section why not make it also proc Holy Fire. Could make a great synergy with the dps build.

The you got Hapartus who’s sread into 3 bubbles. I get the idea of the branch for it. But it just make Holy weak with nothing new.

Even Lightwell is worse than it was before

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Be forewarned, my view is mainly PVP when it comes in terms of strength. Not sure how it will play out in PVE side of things.

I honestly find the DF version much superior to SL for HOLY. I got everything I have in shadowlands and more. I think it’s going to be even sicker in terms of strength.

But the design itself will feel boring because there is nothing NEW really happening with it. Its the same thing as SL, with a few more choices to add to it. like having the ability to use shadowed when Holy locked is hudge alone in pvp.

but there are a lot of talents that i find wasteful and shouldn’t be in the tree at all. Like why is holy nova on the tree, i personally will never touch those 3 nodes, wasteful in my eyes.

Power word shield feels kind of weak in pvp. Sure in long term it can shield a lot, but i hate blowing a GCD that gets eaten up easily in one skill cast. This further adds to Crystalline reflection being a meh choice to me. Unless you are disc-spaming PWS with Rupture CD, its just a waste for all the other specs.

i can go on. Again i just feel like all 3 specs are just purely disconnected. BAd design by the lazy old devs. It feels like it was forced changed just for the sake of changing it.