I’d like to voice my support for the decision. The limited spawns for the leather even with layers would’ve made it so expensive and having everyone be forced to have a profession as experienced with engineering in classic would have been anti fun.
Further I wish you could have added the world buff chromie item earlier but understand your approach to provide a legitimate classic. I enjoy the renewed phrase of “somechanges” as not everything was perfect then, and sometimes the way in which we play now justifies a change.
Here’s to a more open discussion to address issues in a more timely fashion with community feedback.
Tailoring and blacksmithing also become obsolete. Not as fast, but it still happens. There is zero reason to be either of these professions by mid tier 6. There is still a reason to be leatherworking through Sunwell whether the LW gets a bonus boost or not.
I dislike how guilds lose the decision to send someone back to respec or go with the spec they currently are, and if they do send them back to town to respec for a specific fight, do they have them respec back.
I really hate how it is a click of a button, a 10 second cast and then you top your mana up and you are good to go with minimal down time. The decision making was an important part of TBC. You may not like it, or think it is stupid, but I think dual spec is terrible game design and should have never been introduced.
Respec to PVP.
Keep looking for a tank and healer and make friends with them when you do find a good one.
Learn to farm better or make another farming alt.
All I can say is wow, if people didn’t see this coming it’s crazy.
New mount data mined for classic TBC, people start anticipating it’s a store mount that will be in TBC.
Blizzard makes drums worse causes the community to go up in arms about it because they mentioned they were going to fix things like drums.
Everyone forgets about the datamined mount and is going on about how horrible the new drums are.
Datamined deluxe edition of TBC that comes with mount for TBC classic and Shadowlands along with TCG toys and boost store images found.
Community gets upset about the Deluxe TBC mounts/toys and store images.
Blizzard makes drums do exactly what people have been saying they should have done before TBC classic was even announced.
Community cheer and praise Blizzard on their ability to fix things. Immediately forgetting anything about the datamined store images.
My god Blizzard plays this community like a fiddle and you people allow them to. No wonder this game gets actively worse, no one holds them accountable for anything because the moment they do something poof they do something else.
It’s literally “LOOK OVER HERE! NOPE NOW LOOK OVER HERE” and people don’t freaking learn from this crap.
Overall good change. However LW value has dropped significantly with pre buffed drums and the debuff. Only a few classes get any meaningful use out of lw gear and unlike tailoring and blacksmithing it isn’t until t6 for lw that some specific pieces are any good.
Not complaining just pointing out facts. But glad you decided to change and give notice, now my hunter will be dropping lw for something else. Not the end of the world.
I was just thinking how many people who have been preparing professions have been knee jerking over the changes are probably pretty mad right now. But, in the end - this is the better change.
Very true. Certain aspects might not be good but overall id say more positives than negatives. Unless theirs a serious lack of lwers till t6/sunwell and armor kits became crazy expensive. That would kinda suck but even then it beats having to be lw on every char.
It happens way to often for it to be considered not caring.
Remember the Blitzchung incident, people were pissed what did they do? Showed a Diablo 4 trailer boom everyone suddenly forgot about the incident.
It’s not about acting smarter it’s about being able to see things. You can only speak for yourself so YOU may not care a lot of other people are distracted by the next shiny object.
Need is a very overstated. A medium buff with maximum 25% uptime is not essential and the power level is small enough that if people don’t want to do it, the raid isn’t gimped. In Sunwell, people can evaluate if they think it’s worth having a drummer in every group with the greater drums.
What guild and server were you on? Because drums were stacked in all the top 100 world guilds I promise you that; I was in the world 6th clear and we stacked drums
But I must reiterate I have no issues with the changes as long as they bufff Leatherworking in some way or it will result in 10k nethercleft/cobra leg armor kits
Leatherworking is still BiS or near-BiS for a lot of classes, and the drums are still heavily valuable even if you don’t need 20 LWers in a raid anymore.
Enchanting/JC took a major hit, and BS did as well - those three are going to be a lot worse. Also Alchemy is going to have a hard time as well. This is only applicable to raiders, as many players outside of raiding (and raider alts) cover a lot of utility professions.