Best/Easiest DPS (PVE)

that’s just an outdated lie. HDH is one of the most complex specs in the game right now if you go for metabuild with all those active buttons+momentum+fodder demons and everything is on such a short cooldown.


The edgyjojo is mad I called his edgelord class easy.

Fury Warrior is derp op. I don’t see as many Demon Hunters, but they are pretty annoying in melee. I think hunters have the most useful toolkit, though. They can go invis, self heal, turtle shell, feign death, disengage, sprint, freeze trap, instant aoe, and instant single target and do really good damage - I prefer Marksmanship for pvp and raids, but Beastmastery for questing. I tried playing my warlocks for awhile, and compared with hunters they have crap utility. I just stopped playing my warlock after experiencing how much they suck in bgs. They don’t have any good tools to deal with zergs. Hunters can escape almost anything.

Dont think Ive seen either mentioned but Unholy DK and Enchantment shaman are simple as it gets.
More specifically DK an all their specs are pretty faceroll.

If you like the spam of fire, worth trying balance.

Thanks for all the suggestions so far!

A few people mentioned Arcane Mage. I’m not interested in that because of the sheer complexity of the basic burst rotation and its variants. I played the Kyrian Arcane spec in SL season 2, and it was great. But they’ve layered on so much complexity it’s not worth it to me. I know that, with practice, I can get it down. But the amount of practice needed isn’t worth it, imo. This is a game, and should be fun, after all.

The way Bliz has done fire mage injustice just makes me want to start over with a different class. Early contenders from this thread sound like Hunter, Warrior, and maybe DH. Thanks again – all additional input welcome!

BM hunter is the easiest dps to play. Excellent mobility, extremely simple rotation, etc.

Warlock ranges from easy to difficult depending on which spec. Affliction is very easy but has questionable throughput. Evoker seems pretty easy but I haven’t played it. Mage is awful to play; rewarding when you hit your buttons right but that can be difficult. Fury Warrior is straightforward but can suffer throughput issues.

I could keep listing specs. If you want something to just chill, sit back, and blast then I’d go with Hunter. BM is super easy and MM isn’t difficult either. BM is extremely mobile. You also are ranged so you have a much easier time doing mechanics. For melee I’d say consider Rogue or Fury warrior. Rogue has a very high skill cap but getting mediocre at it is pretty easy. DH and Windwalker have eccentricities that make them inherently challenging to play. DH requires high movement and Windwalker requires you to play very clean and cycle defensives predictively, not reactively.

I’m not that interested in complex rotations either. as I’ve gotten older, i tend to want my game play a little simpler. I am maining a BM hunter this patch. I played Fury last expansion. my alt right now is arms warrior. I’m pretty new to arms, but its not overly complicated either. My mains back in the day were rogue and druid, both classes have more complicated rotations that i don’t enjoy anymore. They are fine for world stuff if you aren’t trying too hard. but to maximize dps in a raid or M+ setting, they are much harder

They really take too much damage for wearing mail armor.

Honestly, The best DPS doesn’t need to be the easiest or the hardest. DPS is always easiest when you don’t try. Sometimes instead of actually attacking a mob, I just cast Arcane Intellect until I am OOM. “HOW?!” they ask. “Secret recipe,” I say.

Arcane strong.
Arcane not simple.
Advice bad.

The entire rotation is 6 buttons. If 6 is too much then there is something else wrong.

It has a 17 step opener, removing the headers for each “phase”.

BM Hunter.


This is the correct answer.

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That’s practically harder to play than freaking Joe Satriani.

Better master those hammer ons and pull-offs

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and insane amounts of tapping.

I wonder if there’s an acoustic version

An acoustic Arcane Mage? hmmm…