Best ways to make gold?

Besides buying it of course.

Complete quests at max level, farm dungeons, kill mobs that drop something useful


All the raiders buying consumables for raids ensures you will always make a lot of money selling herbs. You can just find herbs on your way to dungeons, and make a bunch of gold.

Quests at max level, alts at max level to do Quests at max level.

Fishing (pools are lucrative)


Selling boss kills for loot (rogues and druids can solo some bosses in WC etc).

Pearl Farming

The auction house.

I’m trying to save quests for leveling past 25. There were already too few it felt like when I did this a long time ago

I make tons of gold with alchemy. Firepower, shadow protection, and free-action potions.

Herb doesn’t make any gold. Every single herb on my realm sells for 3-4 silver or less. Grave Moss is the only thing that sells decently, but it’s being heavily botted.

I dropped herb because I was just legit not making much with it. A whole stack of herbs selling for 50s or less isn’t “a bunch of gold”.


Made a bunch of money with this.

Not just those classes.

Winner and still champion.

Go into WC and fish up deviate delights at the end, cook em if you want, either way sell them on the a/h. ( any mob from barrens has a low drop chance to drop the pattern to cook it but you can still sell them for a good chunk non cooked )

Fish and cook/sell Sagefish

Farm herbs, kingsblood and gravemoss are going for a good amt. Make them into shadow resist pots if you want.

Farm dungeons for items/boe’s and materials, and do quests.

By “The auction house” you mean sell stuff on ebay and buy gold?

Flips are easiest for newcomers.
Buy items underpriced and relist for ez profits.
Numerous guides out there for making money using the auction house.

I’ll tell you a little secret. The best way to make gold isn’t going to be the best once people telll everyone. It’s been liks that forever and that’s why I always laugh at these kind of videos on YouTube.