Best way to start getting into RBGs?

I’m someone who is big into transmogging, and going through my options there I found a great weapon that would match this current set I’m wearing.

Imagine the sense of dread I felt when I found out that weapon was the mage tower artifact skin for Arcane that requires 10 RBG wins.

So I’m sitting here debating what to do. I’ve never been great at PvP, and have never stepped foot into anything rated with this character. I’ve actively avoided it because I’m more scared of having a bad rating than no rating. I don’t really have any PvP connections, and wouldn’t really have any idea of where to begin there. What should I do?

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Do the same thing you did in 2011 RBG

You might consider joining a RBG discord like Oasis, they’re pretty helpful and have lots of useful resources like videos and google docs. You only need 10 wins you’ll be fine, I promise.


Hehe, that was on my DK, and I remember barely scraping by on those. I wish the achievements were truly account-wide and I could just have my skin on this mage, but alas.

It took me forever to do it that way though, and honestly I’m less confident about mage PvP than I was DK PvP, so I’m just trying to see if there’s a better way.

Oh awesome, there is a discord for that. Thanks. :slight_smile:

It is 10 wins right now I’m just aiming for, but if I ever did find a good, reliable community to help me learn and grow as a PvPer, I’d consider getting into it full time.


Try Looking up Oasis PVP. Also there are communities you can join

Granted they (many) want higher corruption and ILevel players on teams but you can find a group

Get out if that comfort zone and reach out

Maybe even start one . You might turn out to be a hell of a leader



That’s partly why I made this post. I looked up the RBG section on LFG last night and every single one of them were asking for 2000+, so I don’t think that route would work today.

Eh, don’t leaders need to be able to form good comps and be able to call things out effectively? My lack of connections and RBG knowledge might make that a tad difficult.

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Leaders learn by trail and error unless you get mentoring.

Look up videos make up a comp and think tactics


Sometimes the best way to learn something is by teaching it. Plus, like you said, there are mostly 2k+ teams out there, it’s not the end of the world if you lose some while on your way up.

If you’re going to be on tonight I can healbot for you if you’d like, I haven’t PvPed since S1 of BFA so my gear is kind of bad tho.


Not sure I’ll be available tonight, but I do plan on looking into it in the near future. I did join that Oasis discord though. :slight_smile:
Thanks for your help y’all!

There are yolo Grps just keep checking periodically while you’re on.

If you need 10 wins and no rating just spam those. 10wins will be incredibly easy. Could honestly get it done in a night. With a yolo grp or not.

Aim for a yolo grp when others are forming as well cause you will face those Grps more than likely.

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