Best way to send gold to opposite faction on a different realm?

That’s what I did. Easier than trying to mess with all the other crap to do it.

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Not sure why you would say battle pets are risky or slow. You use your high level main to farm/acquire battle pets on one server. Battle pets are account bound so you can go to any other character on your account no matter what faction they are on or what server they are on. Go to your other character claim a battle pet and put it in a crate and sell it on the auction house. I guess it could be considered slow if you are trying to sell the pet during off hours or on a low pop server.

I haven’t done the guild transfer method to move gold. But if i’m guessing right you just form a guild, deposit your gold into the guild bank and server transfer/faction transfer wherever you want. Though i think that takes real money to transfer a guild. I’ve only ever done characters but i’m assuming you also pay when you transfer guilds.

EDIT: i might be misunderstanding your question or intent because i see people talking about 100k gold blacksmith hammers, trash items and whatnot.

Not that I can think of, PVE gold costs are pretty stable.

Pots, flasks, food and repairs, the occasional enchant and gem. If you’re active in SL content you should have enough for all of that.

Sweet! You save the day. There’s no reason for me to transfer gold at all now. Appreciate!

No I’m on a large server and pets move extremely slow. I collect, level and sell pets and it’s a terrible way to make gold. The only reason I do it is I level my alts while leveling pets so it’s two birds; one stone and all that.

Anyways, I always recommend against it unless you do go out and get the pet, not buy one from the AH.

Honestly just buy a token lol

Although the auction houses are all cross-faction, I don’t believe that they are cross-server (if they are not connected servers, like Velen and Eonar, for example). I suppose a good option would be to buy a few WoW tokens on one server and then sell as many as you can/want on another.

I just create an alt, give it all the stuff and gold I want to transfer, and then transfer/faction change said alt.

Edited to add: I honestly think gold should be account-bound so that I can mail my account’s gold to any toon on my account. Would be so much easier.

I routinely mail pet coins and stones between my Horde server and my Alliance server. Why can’t I do that with gold?


Wow token prices are region wide

and they are BoP. If you want token gold on a realm you have to buy it and post it on that realm.

Oh wait, are you saying to buy them with gold on one server for BNET currency then buy them on the other server with the BNET currency and post them for gold?

There is no cross-realm mail. You can’t do this.

You can’t do that. You can’t buy a gamegold token with Bnet currency. You can only buy it with $20 real money.

Blizzard didn’t want speculation, so they didn’t allow this gamegold->token->bnet->token->gamegold path.

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Yes, is this not possible?
EDIT just saw the post above me lol

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Thanks, didn’t know :smiley:

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We’re learning!

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Good lord, I’d be rich af.

I am okay with gold being account wide if only they also make AH account wide not realm wide. But it really would kill low pop server, but then again, I don’t even know why would anyone want to play in a dead server.

There is when it’s Bind to Account. Just type the character’s name followed by a dash and then the realm name. For example, I’d be Somand-Proudmoore. If only BoA items are being sent, and you’re sending it to a character on the same account, it’ll go through.