Best way to make a weapon swap macro?

I’ve googled around and heard about useaction macros where you put the weapons on your action bar and essentially equip them from there with the macro. Found a pic detailing which number every default action bar slot is.

Problem is I’m using ElvUI and none of the action bars seem to correspond with the numbers in the pic and I’m not sure how to do this. Is this method only doable with the default action bars?

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There’s a really simple macro I use on my warrior.

/equip [2H ITEM NAME]
/equip [1H ITEM NAME]
/equip [SHIELD NAME]

You have to enter the specific weapon name for each one, having your inventory open then SHIFT-clicking on the weapon or shield adds the name. Save it like that, but the button on an action bar. If you are wielding a 2H weapon clicking the button will equip 1H and shield, if you have 1H and shield click swaps to 2H. You can do this off the GCD I think. The only thing you have to do is update the weapon name when you replace it. There used to be a more complicated macro with weapon slots but you don’t need that this one works.


Awesome, works perfect. Almost feel dumb at how simple that was lol

Thanks a ton!


Here’s a macro that is a bit easier to use, instead of having to change out the name of the weapon/shield every time, you simply drag and drop them on your bars. Then hit this macro to swap between. In this example, my Shield is MultiBarLeftButton11, 1 hander is 10, and 2 hander is 9.

/click [noequipped:shields] MultiBarLeftButton10; MultiBarLeftButton9
/click [noequipped:shields] MultiBarLeftButton11

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Just to add, you can obviously change the buttons you use for the items, just make sure the commands match up with the correct button location

I was using this one until i got a new one hander, Vanquisher’s Sword now the macro doesn’t work any more even if i use a different one hander. all names are spelled correctly but it doesn’t want to equip the one hander and the shield at the same time. was wondering if anyone had experienced an issue like this before.


Experiencing same issue, even though I dropped the new 1H into the applicable bar slot.

I had that issue too and then realized what the problem was. Equip your 2h weapon and then try the macro again, it should work. If you only have the 1h and not the shield equipped or vice versa, the macro just switches between your 1h and your offhand.

Thanks for the extra phrasing for the [item] coding…help understand how doesn’t have to be all typing.

Great info, I’m going to use that!

You can also do something like this if you’re DW.

/equipslot 16 Dragonfang Blade
/equipslot 17 Core Hound Tooth