Best Way To Level Quickly?

So I’ve watched guides online and it says you can max within like 8-9 hours, and I’m wondering HOW haha, the fastest I’ve been able to hit max is like 30 hours total including afk time etc… Any tips to speed the process up? Dungeons usually take a while to pop for me too and I’m on NA realms. Any thoughts? Appreciate the help thanks :smile:

8-9 hours would probably work for a toon that can switch between DPS and tank/heals. Always been 2-3 days for me no matter how hard I push.

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As someone who is an alt-aholic I would say the fastest leveling straight dungeons is classic or BC. Usually have multiple quest in them and are easy on mechanics . For questing in the open world I do Warlords as it is super quest dense and always been the fastest route for me.

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