Best way to find an active guild?

When I look through the in game guild finder, it’s mostly inactive guilds.

Some of them have writeups for Vault of the Incarnates, so it’s clearly an old raiding guild.

I have joined a bunch and they just don’t have anyone really playing, and certainly not raiding.

Is this the only way to find a guild? Sifting through these and hoping to randomly find a guild that is actually active and has raids setup?

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Forums for the realms that we have. Go there and ask. has recruitment settings that i think will show up ingame and on their website.

I think you can set yourself to looking for guild and other with it can see it and guilds can post they need memebers and itll show their progression so you know how active they are.

the in-game guildfinder is a joke


Yeah I wouldn’t use this other than for leveling guilds tbh.

Personally I prefer to get poached by someone I played with, but there are Discord servers and LFMs on the forums.

But these days I just don’t even care that much about being in a guild at all.

Join the guild recruitment discord. It has guilds for all levels of gameplay

Have you tried showing some leg?

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We use the in game guild finder to conveniently invite each others’ alts when we aren’t online at the same time, I think it says something along the lines of “We are not recruiting and we do not exist” please don’t worry it is not personal at all.

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Try these:

  • guild finder tools
  • wowprogress
  • warcraftlogs
  • official WoW recruitment forums
  • WoW recruitment discord


  • Guilds advertising in trade chat
  • The in-game guild finder

Do we count the ones sending out spam Whispers as active?

There is one in Discord:


Since nobody does that anymore, it’s a moot point.

I still get it once in a long while.

On Ghostlands and Wyrmrest Accord, fwiw.

I have 25-ish toons not in guilds and get Whispers on them every day. So I’d say it is still very common.

Have you ever asked them why? Please do, and let me know, I’d love to find out why anyone would engage in such ridiculous behavior.

I just asked in the trade chat and got lucky lol. I found an “alt guild” but people are always making new characters and wanting to do stuff. It’s nice.

I usually just ignore but will check out the guild in Guild Finder next time. Often its people begging to have their Guild Charter signed.

Sometimes randoms just click on me when Im in SW or Org to sign the charter. Others offer gold.

It shows a major hole in WoW development that the answer to your question is basically “Use anything other than the WOW guild finder tool”…

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Ohhhh. Okay. Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that.

Charge them money, next time. Then leave as soon as the guild forms.

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The guild finder tool has been a worthless piece of crap from the day it was invented, and everyone told them that. But it’s Blizzard, they know better than everyone else, right?