Best way to be notified of news/blue posts?

Is there a way to get notified of new blue posts or news articles that come out here on the forums? I can’t seem to figure out if there is a setting in the Notifications area to get notified when any of these types of posts are posted. I’d love to be able to “watch” a specific forum.

Did you try the ‘Blue Tracker’ at the top of the forums?


Or use the WoWHead Blue tracker

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I did! But I was hoping for a notification, which would be sent to me when a post is made, rather than having to check every day.

Nothing that I know of will do that…

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Understood. Thank you very much for your response!

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WOWHead does have an RSS feed for blue posts if you have a RSS reader. I’m pretty sure that would do what you are looking for.

There is also a discord bot that posts blue posts. (I can’t post links)