Best warrior race

For alliance - Worgen, Night Elf, maybe KT or Mechagnomes?
Worgen - 1% crit, shadow resist(lotta shadow damage lately so i’d say that extra shadow resist is pretty valuable, and a free sprint,
Night elf- Shadowmeld and im not sure on the rest of the racials I haven’t played a night elf since wrath.
KT - Ive heard that got good tanking racials that’s about it
Mechagnomes - Stat buff in combat and cheat death(I think they got a cheat death not sure)

For Horde - Tauren, HM Tauren, Vulpera, Blood elf.
Im gonna clump both taurens together because they both got great racials for warriors with racial stuns.
Vulpera - Vulpera are super underrated imo for prot warriors, Nose for trouble is so much extra damage reduction with how M+ generally is for warriors you’ll engage a pack and not have any rage for ignore pain. Bag of tricks is a nice emergency heal usually crit heals me for 120-140k ive noticed. 1% fire resist is ok I guess

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