Best warrior race

Night elves is really the only answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gnome. Really.


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For looks, probably orc or tauren, or dark iron dwarf/dwarf for Alliance.

Racial wise, human for arms, zandalari troll for arms for Horde. Tauren for fury, and dwarf for Alliance for fury. Not sure about protection for racials.

Horde or Alliance?

True butt we can just pretend blizzards recent bad writing doesn’t exist =p



Tauren, they epitomize monstrous giant Warriors more than the Orcs and you get huge weapons which adds impact when you’re swinging 2 massive weapons that should decimate others, especially the puny little Gnomes.

Mag orc, and it’s not even close.

Alliance: Either variation of Dwarf.

Horde: Core Troll or Core Orc.

Either Orc or Mag’har Orc.

Well I didn’t know that in 2006. How was I supposed to know?

Obviously taurenz

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Yes you did, it’s the most basic character in any game.

Come over to the floof side.

Night elf. Best dual wielding weapon animations in the alliance. Flip jumps! Looks better in transmogs than the shorter or fatter races.

Passive dodge and run speed bonus is easily the best mitigation passive for a tank class.

Shadowmeld is not as great for pvp as the dwarf purge, but its something that gets used way more often every day. Almost any WQ where you have to grab or murder a thing and mount up, why kill every mob in the area after you’ve got what you wanted when you can just take a few steps, shadowmeld and mount?

id say pick dark iron, undead, or one of the tauren/trolls

dark iron is pretty neat and the racials are nice, tauren have ways to cc enemy and high mountain has a dash which can be pretty useful, undead can eat people and have wicked animations, and the trolls berserking and zanda regenerating and pterodax are really convienent

I feel that Undead Warriors don’t get enough credit.

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Did somebody say Dark iron Dwarf?

They can’t beat the cute little stomps Draenei females do when they are fighting.

It’s adorable.

I actually rolled one of these a long time ago because I had literally NEVER seen one before.

Still have her tucked away for a later date :slight_smile:

For alliance, I’d go worgen or night elf. Both have pretty good racials and look cool.

For horde probably orc or Tauren. Zanalari trolls look badass too.