Best warlock race

I’m torn between orc and undead

Help me choose! :weary:

Cannabalize is quite probably the single most underrated racial ability in the entire game for warlocks.

Undead master race.


Orc 100%. Resisting 30% of all stuns as a caster is invaluable.

Edit: Go female. Male orcs look really stupid.

orc no questions about it

extra pet dmg, stun resist…warlock’s #1 weakness is stuns
your trinket does the same thing UD racial does so its quite redundant

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For classic PvP and TBC PvE Orc is bis.

(25% stun resist and bloodfury scaling with spellpower in tbc)

For TBC PvP UD is bis.

(Hardiness nerfed to 15% stun resist and Wotf in arena is absolutely busted.)

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Go with Undead. Cannabalize allows you to regen HP every couple minutes by feasting on humanoids or undead. You know what kind of mobs are nice and plentiful on the Tirisfal - Silverpine - Hillsbrad - Arathi - Hinterlands - Western Plaguelands - Eastern Plaguelands leveling path? Humanoids and undead. Literally, every zone is nice and full of them.

Bonus: doing that leveling path also gets you TONS of cloth, so if you are a Tailor/Enchanter, you have a steady supply of mats just coming straight to you.

Both classes are just so dang strong it’s not even funny. A warlock that can’t be feared (wotf, trinket, DR) insanely strong vs other warlocks. Cannibalism is huge for group pvp, solo grinding, etc.

But when it comes to pvp being dang near un-stunable is broken. Hardiness is too big vs every other class. You can’t go wrong with either class, but you can go more right with orc.

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Orc too fat. Undead too skinny with bad posture. Choose human.

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With respect to fantasy/lore, I feel like warlocks should be undead. They’re all about self inflicting pain, summoning demons, sacrificing stuff, unholy shadow whatever…idk, for me it just feels like undead is the best fit.

But in all honesty, muscle packed orcs in dresses look like drag queens so that’s why I went undead.


best is probably orc. i’ve never made a non undead warlock though.

Human? How boring!

Wait til TBC and roll belf. No hunch! Racials meh though.

Gul’dan is the main warlock in warcraft lore.


Can’t beat these big bad shoulder pads!



Just choose what you think is cooler it won’t matter that much.

If you plan to play Warlock going into TBC Bloodfury becomes a spellpower racial too.

Gul’Dan got crushed by an elf. That lame orc didn’t even lip.

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undead has cleaner animations, wotlk, and cannibalize.
orc has more health, stun resistance(lets you continue running after a warrior charges you), pet damage(important since succubus does more damage than hunter pets).

undead feels better imo(for that drakedog feel), orc seems better overall especially since warlocks are really weak to stuns, especially since their trinket doesnt break stuns. Two biggest threats to warlocks in fair 1v1s are rogues and other warlocks.

That doesn’t change anything I said.

Orc for pvp hands down if you’re picking horde. Pet damage, stun resist(our pvp trinket doesn’t break stun).

The fear break doesn’t change matchups. The stun resist can.