Best Warlock Professions For Level 25 (Phase 1) of SOD?

I know in the later phases, engineering will absolutely dominate from profession standpoint (unless something new really good comes around in the later phases). But for phase 1 locks, we know of the new boots from tailoring that are BOP. Anyone think they are worth it for the first phase? I’m half tempted to do tailoring and temporarily do enchanting to DE to brown linen robe for lesser magic wand (and then switch off enchanting to get mining to stockpile mats for engineering later).

So many choices it gets hard to choose. For those that are going lock in SOD, what professions will you be taking early on?

Eng is good if you want to parse and speed run thats all. If you wanna be self sufficient you go other Profs.

ENG is 100% NOT required to raid

When I say required I’m not just talking for parsing. There are a lot of quality of life items like the transporter for quick travel, the parachute cloak for high level jump skips, etc. in classic wow most items weren’t BoP so you could just buy them. And most of the BoP crafted stuff was good but not BiS.

Tailor skinning, super self sufficient

Viscidus wants to say hello.

lvl 25 cap, self suffciency isn’t really required, can hit that cap in a few days, gonna have to level some alts while you wait on the next phase.

what i’d probably do is go mining + skinning, put mining mats in bank until level 25 then drop skinning for eng

tailoring is getting the BoP epic boots with spell power and hit (upgraded Spidersilk Boots)

enchanting is getting an BoP epic wand idk the stats for it (upgraded Greater Magic Wand)

we havent seen anything comparable for engineering in the datamining yet but i assume it will still be extremely powerful

lvl 25 eng has nothing except grenades, gnomes get a trinket and another bomb. meta currently is tailoring with how professions are now

You get goggles. Helmets are pretty rare at 25. Tailoring and Engi will be the “meta”.

possible to get the eng helmets/trinkets up to level 225 if someone farms the mats, i doubt mageweave cloth will be possible at that level if its needed

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