Best Vulpera pic!

He even has the same color schematic as mine! Haha

Me after too many chocolate chip cookies
(Dogs aren’t supposed to eat chocolate :d )

Obviously took too big of a rip from that glass smoking device laying next to him. “Slaughtered” might be a cool description for this as well though.

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I was thinking this same thing but didn’t want to say it lol

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Seeing these makes me want to play a Vulpera even more. I just love this race.

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They the best race in game man! I seen how much hate they get especially by the streamer asmongold and everyone already knows how much they hate rogues. So I thought I bet people will get super tilted if they get killed by a Vulpera rogue in pvp. So many people decide to chase me instead of going after objectives in bg’s Your a very decent distraction. 10/10 it’s worth it.

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There’s a lot of good ones, really.


Why is your vulpera wearing a dog cone? (That helm just be funky lol)

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I dunno I just like the skull look on it. I’ll prolly change it soon.

That part is fine but what were they thinking with that massive collar heh

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I 100% agree. Generally my rogue will wear a bandana of some sort or a hood. Almost every rogue look should have a hood imo. Maybe blame assassins creed for that one.

I prefer hiding helm cuz vulpera so cute. But some facial accessories work well esp glasses hehe. I got a mog set on my rogue that has a pirate hat and theme

Yeah I’ll hide helm from time to time but there’s definitely helm mogs that still show the face. I wish one of the ones I have on my Shaman vulp I could put on my rogue. It’s basically a fur scarf that counts as a helmet so it doesn’t take up a single inch of his head.

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Sadly, I lost my picture permissions for about 12 months.

:frowning: awww nooooo

I keep having to hide helms on my vulpera because they would clip my ears. Or worse… there’s no way a vulpera muzzle should fit inside the current monk tier helmet.

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It does look kind of funny with the hidden ears.

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Ha! I never had that issue! My ears pop right out of my current hood and and bandanas that go across your face shows how it’s covering the muzzle. Guess I just got lucky

One of my Vulpera characters after taking down Galleon. Never mess with a Vulpera! :fox_face:


Awww a shaman too! Yeah he’s untouchable

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