Out of all the races that can play Druid, which race do you think has the best looking transmogs? I know as far as innate abilities go, NE wins hands down, but I’m talking about appearance here. ;0)
I wish I could be a NE. I’d say human form, NE hands down. I think KT has the best base form kit. I desperately wish I could play an elf instead of a cow. Trolls are okay ish but a little too… trolly.
NEs, but only because we get boots. I know Kul Tirans have boots too, but they look too similar to me irl xD.
I agree - I think night elves look the best, and are the best
true druid race imo. Tauren second for me - the male model especially, because the armor looks really grand on them
I was thinking of creating a female Worgen Druid just so I could transmog stuff and wear it in human form?
Out of all druids only races? … It depends. Some mogs look SICK on KTs. But some look horrible. Same goes for NE’s.
My only main issue with Night Elf mog is the shoulders. They are too far apart and tilted a little. But overall, I do think NE’s take first place.
I mean…look at my mog ^^
This would be significantly cooler (for resto druids, at least) if you could retain human form in combat.
yeah i think it’s silly you can’t retain your human form in combat as a worgen…kind of restricts the race fantasy a bit imo. the player should be in total control of this
they should allow for it to happen, that way it feels like we have equal amount of horde races that can be druids (i think they have one more race, but i’m literally too lazy to count atm)
Obviously female troll smiles for camera
They have one more if you count tauren and hmt…so not really