Best Transmog Farm?

Where can I find the best transmog farm for plate, leather etc? Thanks i’m new to transmog farming.

Open up your sets. Find one you like. Head out.


I mean any place that has gear you want that looks cool?

depends on what you’re looking for…if you’re talking old Vanilla transmog gear AQ 20 mobs(skip bosses so you can keep resetting it) drops a lot of the bikini plate and other higher lvl Vanilla green gear that is desirable…for sets you’ll need to target specific raids with appropriate classes.

TBC has a lot of quest rewards as well that share the same model as some of the Vanilla gear.


There are lots of sets from old raids and PVP sets if you farm marks of honor (primarily doing battlegrounds).

The best way is to look through Collections > Appearances > Items/Sets, find stuff you like and see where it comes from. You can also use stuff like wowhead to find more information.

There are limited time transmogs too, like the 1800 rating in arenas/rated BGs PVP set currently.

Get an addon called Mogit. You can view every piece of armor in the game and it usually tells you where to get it. Exceptions being “world drop” doesn’t tell you where it drops but you can sometimes find those on the AH.

Good luck.


Tomb of Sargeras has the best class sets hands down.

Updated tier 6? Yes please.

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Except for DH and DK…their Tomb sets look horrible compared to the glory of some other sets.

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zul 'farrak is a good one to farm on a druid (so you dont get dismount ) you can run round in a big circle and pull the whole instance without any bosses then go back out and reset it / rince/repeat as needed.
*a quick google will show you the route to take

The only worthwhile sets in that raid are Death Knight, Monk, and Demon Hunter.

Everyone else got re-skinned garbage.

BRF sets are pretty nice

Yes these are all good places to farm just be aware the further back in time you go, the lower the resolution of the armor will be.

Tomb hunter set > Tier 6
Tomb lock set > Tier 6
Tomb paladin set > Tier 6 (by a LONG shot too)
Tomb druid set > Tier 6

I thought DK and DH sets were trash looking for Tomb.


Each raid has its own set so farm the one you like.

My self I just park this alt outside a raid then run it until I get the set.

Move on to the next raid and repeat.

You’re absolutely right. The original sets were trash, and the reskins are slightly less trash.

That doesn’t make them any less bad.

Tier 6 is/was regarded as a well designed sets. Many, including myself, think the Tomb sets are awesome.

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Keep in mind the raids from Classic and TBC don’t drop as many pieces so sets will take much longer to farm unless you get lucky.

Lots of garbage sets are regarded as well designed. Just because most people have bad taste doesn’t suddenly make “I killed this thing and made it a hat” a good design premise.

If sets are well regarded and YOU think they’re trash, maybe YOU have bad taste lol.


The day quality is decided by popular opinion is the day I give up on humanity.

Most people having low standards does not make the garbage they like good.