Best tank help

Sure, but the whole premise of the thread is “tank to learn on”. If Pal has a lower bar to entry, that’s the one the OP wants to play.

can’t recommended enough that you need to watch video guides. that’s it. if you can do that bare minimum and retain the information it gives then you will be better then most on the forums.

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At higher levels which means the higher skill ceiling should be taken into consideration

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If you’re talking about videos of “how to tank [this fight]”, gross. You only get one first-playthrough of content, don’t waste it being a passive observer in a YouTube video.

EDIT: Fixed “code”. You’d think after 30 years of this internet thing, they could spit back out stuff in <s that isn’t actually recognized code, but I guess not. ::sighs::

you understand the context of me replying to this persons post right? or are you that messed up in the head


Please check the edit. Bad habits die hard.

anyway, despite what weirdo’s on these forums love to spout with their nonsensical answers, please do look up guides if you want to actually improve. do not go in blind hoping for the best.

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Yeah, God forbid you be slightly inconvenienced by someone who wants to have fun and doesn’t already know everything about every fight before clicking “queue”.

Iʻd say All of them

yes, even Brewmaster…

If only to familiarize yourself with what they can and cannot do when you are grouped with one.

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OP specifically is looking to get into high keys and mythic raids.

This means that Prot Pal having a steep skill curve is very relevant to this.

This was hilarious.


Every class has opportunities for skill expression, but in terms of easiest for beginners:

  1. Bear
  2. Warrior
  3. Pally
  4. VDH
  5. DK
  6. Brewmaster

No one expects warrior to get all the kicks plus brez the healer plus use external to save a squishy dps. Playing prot pally in trivial content is easy. Doing everything expected of prot pally in challenging content can be most complicated of tanks. You become tank, healer, and dps as one player.

I play all the tanks. I think of Prot Pally as having the widest gap between its skill floor and skill ceiling.


There’s a significant difference between “doesn’t already know everything” and “trolls group by not knowing anything”. Going in blind is fine for leveling dungeons, heroics, maybe even M-0. Bricking someone’s key because you couldn’t be bothered to learn your role for that instance is selfish and inconsiderate.

I think most of us have gone in blind to new leveling dungeons at beginning of expansion. That’s a good time to do that. For context, I’ve also gone in blind to new mega dungeon tuned to be relatively challenging, but I did that with friends who signed on for that experience. I did not sign up to tank someone else’s pug and then surprise them by being clueless. For the record, that mega dungeon (Dawn of the Infinite, when it first came out) cost us 2 hours to kill 2 bosses, because we had to puzzle out mechanics by trial-and-error with no foreknowledge of what was killing us or what strats might work. Fine if everyone signed up for that, not fair to strangers in a pug unless you put that in group description.


this is the context people are missing. if every person in your group is told and acknowledges that your group knows nothing and will be failing together then great, perfect.

but if people are just randomly jumping in blind in difficult content hoping for the best when joining random players, they really shouldn’t be surprised when people dont react positively to this selfish behavior



What works for some, isn’t going to jive with others. You should do some class trials and get an idea of what each does. I like druid because its stupid easy, though not the best tank atm… A lot of people don’t like druid. DK is good. Pally is good. DH doesn’t seem as competitive at the moment and apparently we don’t like Brew… :dracthyr_shrug: As an altaholic, warr would require me to actually look at the buttons

Prot paladin is obviously the meta tank in the upper levels of content for many good reasons, but all of the tanks are completely viable for you to start on.

Bear druid and prot warrior are good fits for new tanks, and with a little effort, very tanky in introductory content.

Paladin, Blood DK, and Vengeance demon hunter are all at a baseline, more squishy, and have challenges which bear/warrior don’t need to deal with, which I think makes them harder to pick up for newer players.

Monks are pretty great, but also have the lowest self sustain and issues getting aggro on pull compared to pretty much the rest, and can be easy to die on with poor gameplay.

Either way, if you want to tank, choose a class which resonates the most with you, any introductory issues you may have wish a class will go away with practice.

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I was incredibly confused by this cross link but I agree, getting folded up is a very common term. I am not sure why people were confused on its usage.

I mean, poker using the term for a hundred years before the complainer was even born, was clearly talking about baking.

And im sure the offendee has never heard of poker either just so they can double down on “never heard of it before”

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