Hey all, I’ve rolled a rogue again for the 6th or 7th time over the years. I have never gotten one over the 50’s mainly because I’d get to a place and feel a bit lost and I’m not sure why. I have main’d a fury warrior, Enh Shaman and a Surv Hunter in the past and thought picking up a rogue would be easy peasy, but it wasn’t.
I’m back to the game again since 10.0 and I’m committed to learning a rogue this time, but I’m going to take it slower than I tried to before. I’m going to learn one spec at a time, become as proficient as I can, then learn another instead of trying to learn them all at once.
So finally to my question, for a new rogue, which spec would you suggest learning first of the three? My goals are to play all aspects of the game eventually so pve and pvp.
I recommend leveling with outlaw (combat) and once you hit 60+ try assassination to get things down. It just really depends on how you wanna play rogue. Looking at your previously played classes perhaps sub is saved for last to master.
Might take you 20 rbg to get the hang of one spec. I think the most fun with rogue is when PvP with other rogue and buddies so try to make friends and find synergy.
Thanks, just the info I was looking for. Really appreciate it. Maybe I’m slow, but this is the only class I have ever felt like I really needed to ask questions about because I was just having trouble wrapping my head around it.
I’d learn sub then. If I’m not wrong, sub is one of the more harder rogue specs while Outlaw and Assa are a bit easier, not saying they’re easy like a warrior or a hunter but they’re difficult but not as difficult as sub.
I only say sub just because it’s one of the harder ones and you might as well learn how to play that one so the rest can be a breeze. But I do agree with the poster above me, he is right in that regard so I’d say it’s up to you. I’d probably start out with Assa but if you really want a challenge and just want to learn sub to get it out of the way then do that.
When you get to max level, try all three. Give each one an honest effort and get a feel for how they play. Each spec plays very differently. As of the current patch, 10.2, there is so much button bloat, none of the specs are simple.
Personally, I love Assassination. I hate Outlaw. Subtlety is like the middle child.
For pvp assassination by far.
Assass for noobs is just pop all cds in some order (maybe) and if the target dont dies u vanish and run lol
And it works most times.
But rogue isnt so good in solo shuffles.
This is literally how the vast majority of sub rogues actually PVP.
And Rogues are fine in solo right now, they’re just getting mowed over by DH and DK like every other spec in the game.
To answer the OPs actual question, this will sound cliché but I’d recommend you play whatever spec you like the playstyle of. Assassination is a DoT based spec that is probably the easiest to pick up, Outlaw is a brawler spec that will play a little bit more like a warrior, and Subtlety plays more like a hit and run spec.
Find what you like and practice it. Rogue as a whole is a difficult class, there are a lot of things that come down to timing and patience. Have fun and the rest will follow dude.