Best single target healer?

Looking for a ranking of healers for single target anyone got ideas?

Highest single target HPS:
Holy priest
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid
Disc priest

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Mistweaver pumps single target heals, almost always has, but until recently (this expansion) is always labeled a crap healer not worth playing.

I always find one spec and hate the others. I like Mist but suck at Brew. I love Prot Paladin but terrible at Holy etc goes on lol.

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I really understand how you feel. Coincidentally, for me, Monk and Paladin are the only two classes for which I really love every spec.

Druid for me.

Paladin: don’t like Ret.
Shaman: don’t like resto
Priest: don’t like Holly’s button bloat and don’t like disc.
Evoker: don’t love augmentation (though I love the concept)
Monk: can’t stand brewmaster

But all the Druid specs are fun, especially after you configure your hot bars correctly. I can switch specs without missing a beat now.