Best Single Class for Achievement Hunting

Hey all,

So my friend and I are challenging each other to a contest. Who can get the most achievements on a single class in a few months. I think we are doing around 6-10 months we have yet to decide.

My question is what would you say is the best single class to do this on? My first thought is DH/DK/Monk are all out because of the collection achievements for Tier Sets/PvP Sets. Druid is a great choice it seems but its honestly the only class I wouldn’t want to play in WoW atm.

I’m not sure what class has easiest chance for Mounts/Mogs/Legendries. What is quick in dungeons and easy for rep grinds.

Any hints and tips much appreciated. Thank you

Druid without a doubt.

Stealth and flexibility of being able to do all roles as well as flight form convenience.


I like pet classes, such as hunter, for hunting achievements.

The ones you like because it’s the only way to not burn out over the course of years.

I also bounced around between a bunch of classes depending on what I was doing.

some of the ridiculous high achieving achievement hunters i have seen were paladins warriors and druids.

The correct answer is mage:

  1. Is faster than druid when specced arcane.
  2. Can summon a pet which is critical for certain old achievements as you’ll probably never be able to get someone to help you.
  3. Can invis from combat thus resetting encounters when you stuff up.
  4. Superior aoe class to clear trash for certain grind achievements.
  5. Best old world transport through portals.

The only flaw mage has is its inability to heal for certain achievements.