Best server/faction for raiding?

Hi everyone. My main and most of my toons have been Alliance on Stormrage since 2010. I ditched my edgy Undead, starry-eyed at the prospect of playing an edgy Worgen in the aftermath of Deathwing’s return. Stormrage was the perfect choice. This bustling, PvE-oriented server has been a city on a hill of sorts for Alliance raiders, but recently I saw my first tumbleweed bounce and roll through.

It seems like there are almost no raiding guilds anymore. Those that do recruit only want Augmentation Evokers and Shadow Priests. Everyone else who raids seems satisfied with PUGs or paid carries. Unfortunately, PUGs are far too often helmed by someone who wants a carry or a quick clear, and PUGs have other issues besides.

My main toon joined three guilds this expansion that seemed promising. The GMs were mature, polite and seemed enthusiastic about forming a raid team. Sadly, each guild quickly fell apart as each GM would play for a month, only PUG M+ so they could catch up and acquire gear, and then log off for good without ever forming a raid team.

{{Long story short, Stormrage feels different nowadays. Not many players here seem to raid – at least not with a guild. Am I in the wrong faction? Is there a better server for raiders?}}

Thank you for reading.

i moved from emerald dream to storm rage alliance and have yet to join a guild. i don’t know anyone and honestly everyone’s been decent minus a few trolls but i dont know of any guilds worth joining there. its def active compared to my home server cause there is absolutely no one left there.

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That’s a shame because ED used to be amazing for wpvp.

OP: Stormrage is probably one of the best servers for Alliance pve. You could try Dalaran or Sargeras, but they aren’t as populated as Stormrage. Check out the guild recruitment forum and see if anything looks promising.

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with cross realm and cross faction raiding as well as being able to join communities there is no best server / faction for raiding. Unless you mean a full on same server pushing mythic raiding type of deal then just go with populated realms that are full. Stormage, Proudmoore, Thrall, Illidan, Area 52, Tichondrius, Sen’jin and full non rp servers like them.

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I typically make a low level and spam trade on various servers for guilds.

Coincidentally I found my forever guild on stormrage.

I know our recruiter uses the recruitment tool on Raider io too

We’ve picked up a couple people naturally from pug raids or m+

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ED was so good back in the day. then phasing. it was such a good semi toxic at times community. i miss it, but those days are over.