Best server to be on for horde casual for Cata

Horde casual here. Currently on Grob.

Things that are most important to me:
-I am looking for is just a healthy horde population, preferably one that will be easy to find a casual guild in. Not a fan of GDKP but realize I probably wont be able to escape it.
-Dont care about faction balance
-I was on old Herod when it first launched in regular classic and loved it
-Preference for US east but I dont think a large horde server exists on us east other than faerlina and idk its its worth it bc I heard its the toxic streamer server

Let me know what you suggest. Looking forward to cata!

Mankrik, horde dominated PvE server on the East Coast.

Pretty sure it’s the most populated Horde PvE server.

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Mankrik seems to be the common PVE answer I see.
It’ll also be getting a population boost with the ongoing mergers.

Oh nice! Are they doing free server transfers right now or do I need to pony up the $$?

Just to point out that I started out in Wrath Classic on Skyfury, but ended up on Whitemane around 1-2 months into Phase 2 (Ulduar), and raided regularly every lockout on 2 toons. You absolutely do not have to go to any GDKP runs, that’s a totally optional loot system, albeit easy to find and get into.

There are many guilds and guild groups, and I have ever joined SR groups from time to time, though I stopped running them during Ulduar, because it simply wasn’t worth it, for me.

Anyway, with regards to the rest of your questions, I don’t think anyone has a bullet proof accurate view of what the future will bring, but so far Grobbulus has remained the only faction balanced PVP server in Classic, while for Horde at least Faerlina and Whitemane as well as some of the Normal ruleset servers seem to have good enough populations that it is easy to find people.

Yeah, personally if I were in your shoes, i.e. had a character or characters on Grobb that I wanted to play in Cata Classic, I would stay there and enjoy it! That’s actually where I wanted to transfer my characters from Skyfury, but went to Whitemane as Grobb was locked to transfers at the time.

Anyway, good luck out there! Enjoy Cata Classic.

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For PVE, Mankirk.

For PVP I’d say to stay where you’re at in Grobb. It’s just dead rn due to SoD taking a bunch of players. We’ll see a bump for Cata prepatch and xpac re-release, but it’s not gonna be the chaotic, multi layer and queue filled mess that was WOTLK’s.

Mankrik was nice a year ago. It’s really gone to sh!t now.

how funny, if mankrik is bad then i guess everyone on faerlina must be saints

If you’re on one of the closing servers (such as Windseeker and Ashkandi), the free transfers are already available.
Open the Shop while on the character select screen and while on one of those servers and you should see the Free Transfer option.