Best RP server?

Ok, ok. So now that I have a little more information, it seems it is down to two servers. Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord. To what extent does Cross-realm impact RP, or does it at all?

Honestly all jokes aside your safest bet is to go Moonguard for Alliance and Wyrmrest for Horde.


A couple of things to note;

  1. Moon Guard is an Alliance heavy RP server with a rather unfortunately dead Horde scene.
  2. WrA is where you’d want to go for Horde RP but there is a decently healthy enough Alliance population there as well.
  3. ERP is going to be found on any RP server. Unless you are looking for it, chances are you’ll rarely (if ever) come across it. Also important to note that you’ll never see it out in the open unless it’s a mess up and Goldshire is like 70% players from other servers coming in to get their kicks while knocking down MG. WrA Silvermoon can be just as bad a place.
  4. Moon Guard is more friendly and lore-laxed, meaning you don’t have to be on top of the lore game to have a good time on MG. It does make for some interesting characters but a simple rule of thumb is to just not RP with them if you don’t like their character. It’s as simple as that.
  5. WrA wants you to know the lore AND they want you to know the server lore. I would venture to say that WrA has “higher quality” RP but it’s cliquey and niche. You need to know your stuff if you want to find active RP circles.

Thank you Taindessa, and everyone else as well! Awesome explanation. I feel like I have a significantly better understanding of what I am going into now.

That is nice too hear, I hope that you enjoy your time amoungst us, and know that we a welcome group of riffraff. Honestly, once you experience the sheer vitality that is injected into the game via role-playing, you will come to find all other servers banal by comparison.



Can anyone recommend some addons, suggestions, or words-of-advice?

Well if you’re just starting out RP you’re 100% gonna need an RP addon. Total Roleplay 3 and My Roleplay are the two i would recommend, they basically allow you to make a profile about your character.


Total RP 3 - This Add on lets you create a profile for your character as well as read other peoples profiles. This gives a whole new world to explore as you really get to see the different types of players and story lines out there.

Emote Splitter - Lets you just keep typing until your hearts content and posts it all at once. This is a way to bypass the posting limit in cities and outside.

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Moon Guard’s an easier entry, but Hordeside is dead.

Wyrmrest has a far more active Horde, decent Alliance numbers, but has a far, far higher RP “tax” to get into.

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I think the main problem of Moon Guard its uhm… I just gonna say that WrA seems more ‘mature’.


In truth, most of it is contained to Goldshire, and any serious member of the server GTFO’s from Elwynn as fast as they can.

For the rest, some people have earned a reputation that is so rancid that their names have become synonymous with “avoid at all costs.”

Both seem to be good places, with Moon Guard (In my experience) being best for Horde and Wyrmrest Accord being best for Alliance. However, It’s been a LONG time since I’ve actively roleplayed (Possibly 2 years) so it could have changed easily.

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If you like the sound of crickets, you could join Earthen Ring!


Nobody even said Emerald Dream!


As someone who has never RP’d before. What do I need to include a bio? How much or little detail does one normally include?

Thats really entirely up to you, some people like to write 6 paragraph long short stories about the history of their characters, while others simply prefer 1-2 paragraphs. Its all up to you. A few things you may want to include are:

  • Physical Description

  • Personality

  • History

Everything else is pretty much just extra.


Faction loyalty is role playing. Therefore, PvP servers have the most dedicated role players.

Gah, I just went to create a character and I now see both Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord are full servers.

Is there frequently a wait time to log in? Where can I find server traffic logs?

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General rule of thumb is Moon Guard for Alliance, Wyrmrest accord for Horde.


Though they are ‘full’ there is almost never queue times to get in, there wasn’t even one for Battle for Azeroth launch that I can remember.