So what are the easiest spec to level up to 80 ?
Probably Assassination.
If it’s doing actual quests and grinding mobs. Sub is awesome for the instant shadowstrike ports from mob to mob and usually can burst down fast.
Outlaw is okay with crackshot resetting every restealth.
What if TW dungeon spam/leveling ?
It’s all about the same, at least until you get to the current expac. Stuff dies in seconds if it’s not a boss/ rare spawn, and even then most things won’t survive much beyond your CDs. Leveling is stupidly easy now
All three have their perks and are easy to level now.
Assassination can DOT up multiple mobs.
Sub can go mob to mob quickly due to shadow strike.
Outlaw Blade Flurry makes completing a lot of objectives quicker.
Objectively false until youre able to talent Sudden Demise. Sin is probably the worst to level with. Cant pull big til you get capstones and you need a few seconds to kill anything until then.
Best spec is Sub, dont know if youre still able to 1 shot mobs in 1 shadowstrike but it has thr most on demand burst.
For sin all you need is FoK, garrote, crimson tempest and Multiple ruptures. If you can spec into those and get them up on multiple mobs leveling is really fast, especially in Timewalking dungeons. I think you are set around level 44? even before then your single target with scaling in Timewalking dungeons is busted.
The narrative that Assassination is the slowest to level is three expansion old.
Assassination, with the sudden demise talent. Is awesome for leveling.
Outlaw with 4 grapple hooks probably awesome for zipping to each objective also.
SUB can actually be bad if undergeared and can’t burst mobs in the subterfuge window. Then i would prefer outlaw in that case. Backstabbing mobs to death is like pulling teeth. Lol
Sub or Sin is best for leveling. Anyone saying Outlaw forgets that Outlaw doesn’t function until you hit your late levels (60+). If you’re still willing to play Outlaw in the lower levels, your damage output will mostly be made up of #1 Melee @80%ish and Sinister Strikes @15%-ish even with the energy talents and Sinister Strike doesn’t do much damage.
Edit: Can’t forget Level 1 - 9 is AFK Simulator with Sinister Strike doing 3 damage, +1 by level 9 while Melee does all your damage. Sinister Strike does increase by about tenfold at level 10 but it still wouldn’t cover that damage profile of melee attacks.
Outlaw lower leveling is substantially improved now. So yes all three work just fine to level with.
You have AR and Combat Potency by level 23 now. Restless Blades is level 16 so you can have AR around less than 2 minutes.
The Cut to the Chase change makes a big impact for Outlaw as you are not starved of energy and combo points at lower levels. So you can use Dispatches and BTE to finish off mobs faster than relying on autos. And CDR on AR, sprint and Grapple is nice for moving around for quest objectives. And double grapple can be talented as early as level 12.
Great % Haste on lvl 70 but getting lower % Haste.
Why is that
It takes more secondary stat rating to get % the higher your level goes. Otherwise as you leveled up each expac you’d just gain more and more secondaries and start at 80 with a super high number with nowhere to scale to.
This is how it always works leveling from end of an expansion to start of a new one.